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  1. pdx503

    Day 1 flower. Here we go!

    Pics as promised! Check out these purple calyxes! These two plants have them, while the other three seem to to be leaning towards "boring green" weed. Enjoy!
  2. pdx503

    Day 1 flower. Here we go!

    Alright, update! Today is day 20 flower, almost through their 3rd week. One plant has completely topped out her maximum light height, so I'm gonna have to Jerry Rig somethin really quick (either modifying the clamplight, or my first attempt at tying down, opinions?) for her in the morning...
  3. pdx503

    Day 1 flower. Here we go!

    Good to know. I guess this is where the whole HID vs CFL debate comes into play? So if I'm running 55watt x 5 = 275watts, and a 400watt HPS is going to run an extra $35/month, what's the additional 125watt difference reflect in yield? Is the $35/month x ~3 months worth the additional cost? I...
  4. pdx503

    Day 1 flower. Here we go!

    Day 16 flower, Day 62 from seed. Update: Pistils, pistils, everywhere! Bud sites have started to become very pronounced as plants have fully shifted into flowering phase. I was doing some reading and believe I am now starting "Stage 3" of flower - pistils have already become bunched up into...
  5. pdx503

    Day 1 flower. Here we go!

    Thanks for the friendly words of encouragement! It's nice to see all my research and hard work in the grow room starting to pay off. Even without ever using HPS, I think I can already see where I can benefit from it. I've actually got a buddy who has a friend that is wanting to sell two of his...
  6. pdx503

    Day 1 flower. Here we go!

    Day 12 of flower; Day 58 total. Just some comparison pics for you guys showing the EXTREME growth in just the last 12 days of flowering. Pic 1 is Day 1/Day 12 flower. Pic 2 is of the buds finally starting to come together. I guess I haven't messed up too badly yet! :eyesmoke:
  7. pdx503

    Day 1 flower. Here we go!

    Just fooling around taking pictures today, no huge major updates. First pic is Plant #4, the slowest/shortest growing plant, but probably the healthiest looking overall. Slowly but surely I guess? Picture two is of Plant 1's newest pistils on the plant's newest growth. Photo is taken with my...
  8. pdx503

    1 week from seed, how do they look?

    Looking great. Right on point for 1 week since starting germ. It may just be the lighting temp, but they look a little yellow possibly? Consider pulling the lights back to avoid burning? Good luck on the bakers dozen, the 13-Pack!
  9. pdx503

    Day 1 flower. Here we go!

    Day 9 flower (Day 55 from seed) update: Just thought I'd throw you guys an update. Almost halfway through their second week, not a ton to update on but here we go: Stretching has started to slow as growth is now starting to focus on production of bud sites. Plants have grown maybe 2 inches the...
  10. pdx503

    Day 1 flower. Here we go!

    Almost through their first week of the light switch, and everything is going great. Haven't seen a lot of new growth, mostly just exisisting growth adding 2-3" of stem length. With the exception of plant #1, the fastest growing, who has started to show new leaf growth along internodes. All 5...
  11. pdx503

    Day 1 flower. Here we go!

    Thanks! That's awesome guys. I have been overly attentive to them, some might call it OCD, I call it a hobby haha. My only real hiccup so far has been white fly larvae (self diagnosed, limited to 1-2 plants, lower foliage only), but even that's not that bad anymore after manually removing every...
  12. pdx503

    Day 1 flower. Here we go!

    Day 46 from seed: First time grower here (and legal, woo!), so needles to say I'm pretty stoked about today's light switch. Yesterday I went and bought some black sheet plastic to seal off my box, and 5 55w 2700k CFL's (one over each plant) for the switch. Tore down my veg setup, reused my...
  13. pdx503

    Are these female pre-flowers?

    UPDATE! Alright, so fast forward to today, day 39 and I see THIS! Any luck now? According to the diagram I would jump to conclusions and call this female as it is clearly not a stipule. Any thoughts?
  14. pdx503

    Bug/pest identification? Recommendations?

    What's up all, The past week or so I have been noticing these small white bugs crawling on my lower and new inner growth only. They are microscopic in size, but are certainly long and narrow. They appear to "scoot" similar to a centipede, rather than "run" as a spider/bug would. From what I can...
  15. pdx503

    Are these female pre-flowers?

    Thanks! Great info guys.
  16. pdx503

    Are these female pre-flowers?

    Today is day 36 from seed for my flourescent indoor grow. I've been noticing these little "pistil" looking things growing from the internodes. Are these pre-flowers? Female hopefully? Or is it too early to tell?
  17. pdx503

    Freshly transplanted 12 day old girls

    I think it's just the photo orientation, all plants are fairly centered, but thanks for the props lol. I figure ill let these poor girls recover awhile before any kind of training and/or topping. As you guessed, this is my first grow ever. Bought 5 Ace of Spades seeds from a local dispensary and...
  18. pdx503

    Freshly transplanted 12 day old girls

    Immediately after and 24 hours after transplant. Definite transplant shock with limited growth and some wilting/curling/yellowing, but still progress. New growth is showing. I have been over cautious thus far to not overwater, and especially as this new soil is super moist. Before and after of...
  19. pdx503

    Freshly transplanted 12 day old girls

    Before and after of the Big Girl.