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  1. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    I've just worked out that I am actually 6 weeks and 2 days of actual flower. Here's some pics of trichromes what do u guys think?
  2. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    Bud looks nice cannaboi, how far in? Had a new loupe turn up but was cheap and nasty so am now waiting for another DECENT one to turn up lol here's a couple pics now week 7
  3. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    I actually took a few leaves 3 weeks into flower as it was very bushy, here's before and it's actually the day I knocked the top off when hanging new led. I have some orange/red hairs on buds but I'm sure a few of my trichromes are Amber will post a few more pics. Second pic is the burnt baby.
  4. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    Burn is more on the leaves than the bud. My lady's still throwing out loads of white pistils, but got some Amber triches on certain bud sites, is this normal?
  5. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    Tell am about it I'm annoyed with myself for doing so but on a plus side I have a digital timer on the way. I've read and don't think 24 hours or a bit more is much of a problem?
  6. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    Am wondering if I pushed her on to the light when I rotated her last night
  7. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    Bad news people I just noticed my lights are still on and they could have been on since yesterday morning or the night before. Been very busy but noticed this morning a slight burn on one of my buds and thought it was strange as it was only an 11w cfl and was about 3 inches away, realised...
  8. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    I have some quick one autos from royal queen seeds and a galaxy auto cos it was cheap! But am thinking about feminised seeds on 12/12 from seed but not sure yet gunna see what happens with the bag seed regarding yields and smokability
  9. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    I will wait just getting excited lol new growth looks healthy since cal/mag
  10. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    Sorry feel like I'm asking too many questions but I have another pic which isn't the clearest but some triches look Amber to me but only on a few bud sites! What do u think?
  11. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    Thanks robro, I will try and get a clearer pic Of triches I'm waiting for a 60x loupe to be delivered as 20x I have isn't strong enough imo. I'm hoping another 4 weeks will be enough but not really sure to be honest but don't wanna chop too early as would be a waste of the last few months if I...
  12. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    I've just added an extra 80w of cfl for side lighting
  13. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    Would anyone say these triches are clear or milky really not sure when to start the 2 week flush? Pic is t the best
  14. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    Hoping there's a bit of drying time in their too
  15. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    Would anybody have any ideas on when I would need to think about harvesting? I can see my triches with 20x loupe but think they're all clear
  16. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    Great advice robro cheers! Hope I can keep her happy, am so close to the finish line would be a shame to fall on the last leg
  17. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    Yes 2 grow and 2 bloom
  18. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    I think Ive read that link before seems very familiar. I'm using plant magic coco nutes a+b here's a pic of what's in the bottle
  19. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    Dunno what happened their lol I think my reply is in your last post
  20. Seanysmokes

    First grow 5 weeks in flower

    To be