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  1. TURBS

    Do I Need a mother plant?

    Thank you, well put.
  2. TURBS

    Using PC Power Supply for Fans

    The good thing about using a psu from a computer is it can run multiple fans safely. A charger is just a charger, make sure it is rated for the current of the fan(s) your using. I am using a small 150w PSU. The 12v part is rated at 42watts. Then you can hook lots of ans up it paralel. A 3" fan...
  3. TURBS

    Stealth Cabinet Build PICS

    Lol, I built it out of scraps at work.
  4. TURBS

    Do I Need a mother plant?

    Plus one rep for ya. If I was keeping one in a bubbler, would it matter as much if the container was square? I got a bubble type cloner thought out using a plasic folgers can. I will see what else I could use.
  5. TURBS


    If you run 12v computer fans with a computer power supply like I am, you could likey use a Household thermostat to switch the green LOW VOLTAGE wire on the psu. Connecting the green wire to any black on the psu switches it on. If you are using MAINS POWERD (120v) fan you may be able to use a...
  6. TURBS

    Thanx for the rep man.

    Thanx for the rep man.
  7. TURBS

    RED in the morning, BLUE in the afternoon?

    I have heard it has like a sun blocking effect in the trichomes. Like getting a suntan, it may regulate the amount of sunlight the inner part of the trich absorbs. What ever the reason, I beleve you should have a bit of UVB. There are some videos on Youtube about it. the one is kinda long (20-30...
  8. TURBS

    why is growing kept so quiet

    I wish all Americans were felons. LOL I mean, George Bush TWICE!!! I think having a voter card is more dangerous than a gun. lol
  9. TURBS

    Do I Need a mother plant?

    I would likey use 2 to 4 blue cfls as I would just want to maintain the plant. I would be more concerned with the shape of the plant. Any suggestions. Should I split my cabinet in half for a larger veg room or just build a 18"square box in there? My cabinet is 5 foot tall 30"s wide, 23" deep.
  10. TURBS

    Bubble trap

    Ya I would not recommend Compressed Oxygen to anyone on here. It would just be a matter of time before somebody gets hurt. I have seen lots of "ghetto" projects on here. lol. If you do use it, keep it to yourself. There are lot's of people with the skill for something like that, there are even...
  11. TURBS

    Light Proof Intake 'How-To' (w/PIX)

    Are you guys talking about putting tape between the tips of the fan blade and the fan shroud? That should improve the performance. Think of a Jet Ski, it has an axial fan just like a computer fan. The main differance between a stock aluminum fan blade(impeller) and a High Performance one is this...
  12. TURBS

    Bubble trap

    You can also Google for some DIY wooden airstones, might be a fun read.
  13. TURBS

    Bubble trap

    Ya I suppose a flat plate would be best. I had a Co2 injector for an aqurium that had a zig zag type rig the bubble would almost disappear by the time it reached the top of the ladder. As far as where to get good airstones would be any petstore that sells marine accesories. These airstones will...
  14. TURBS

    Do I Need a mother plant?

    Well honestly this is all new to me. I may be using an indca dominate strain. I could dedicate around 18" or so in height minus the bubble tray. and up to one square foot fo surface area. I would likey do some of the training in the box as well, that may help? Really I can make it 22" deep x 28"...
  15. TURBS

    RED in the morning, BLUE in the afternoon?

    Anyone use a UVB cfl?
  16. TURBS

    Bubble trap

    What do you think?
  17. TURBS

    Do I Need a mother plant?

    Cool that's the answer I was looking for, Thanks for the quick reply. What do you think about a box say 12x12x16high , just enough room for a clone bubbler of sorts. I know I will have to isolate the light vents but thats no prob.
  18. TURBS

    Do I Need a mother plant?

    Try this again!
  19. TURBS

    Do I Need a mother plant?

    Here's the cabinet:
  20. TURBS

    Do I Need a mother plant?

    Click on my name to see the post with my cabinet, maybe you could recommend a size. I will be doing scrog in a rubbermaid in this. What do you think?