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  1. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    Iv only grown in soil, and I have had problems with pests. Luckily Broken Coast isnt trusting me with the plants yet haha
  2. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    LP's can only provide bud to those with a medical need unfortunately. My personal belief is that this will change to include recreational users in due time.
  3. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    fair enough, i suppose it is a relative measure haha. Broken Coast has a couple hundred plants in each grow room. It's my understanding that the "big batches" a'la tilray/tweed have a couple THOUSAND plants per grow room (mind you I don't work there so I could be wrong, anyone from tweed or...
  4. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    We will have to wait and see how the court case pans out, but theres a pretty good chance the MMAR injunction will end with the right to grow your own medication being re-instated. (yay!) For the people that cant grow them selves there are the Grey-market Dispensaries, White market LPs and...
  5. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    Hi TheDizzyBizzy No irradiation from Broken Coast :) We had to fight hard to prove we could keep microbial counts in check without the cold pasteurization. And that was only possible because our batches are so small. I don't know much about tilray/tweed... but you are right in that most of the...
  6. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    Hi C Ray I'm the fella that works at Broken Coast Cannabis to which you were referring. Thought you might be happy to hear that our bud is not irradiated, nor is it milled As for the pictures... we're not allowed to post photos because of health canada's advertising restrictions :( but...
  7. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    Hey nsbudca thanks for saying so! I wish I was allowed to post pictures of our growing facilities, I felt like a kid in willy wonkas chocolate factory the first time I walked into the building. Not to worried tho, if someone is upset I'm sure theres a good reason. I'm not a company spokes...
  8. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    Hi GrowRock, good questions... Compassionate pricing is presently in the works. It sounds like your cost would be prohibitive without some aid. Even though the compassionate pricing program isn't fully rolled out yet, Id recommend speaking with John (operations director) at Broken Coast if you...
  9. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    Hey Leaffan, I strongly believe that patients should (and will) be allowed to grow their own herb if they so choose. As for Extracts, I can only hope that the courts will see how silly it is to allow for dried Cannabis but prohibit cookies (quite silly). Right now, Broken Coast is restricted by...
  10. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    Nope, Im in operations for the time being.
  11. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    Hi Greasycanadian, happy to hear the latest harvest is up to par!
  12. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    Hey guys I happen to work at Broken Coast Cannabis and thought you guys might be happy to find out that we have never bought bud from other LPs to resell to patients (we grow everything). Nor do we irradiate and mill our product. We care quite a bit about quality so naturally irradiation is off...
  13. George Anstey

    Slow down, this aint the mainland

    Slow down, this aint the mainland