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  1. L

    white spot on 2nd set of true leaves

    Hey RIU, Recently noticed a white and a yellow spot on a couple of my fan leaves just wanted to know if you guys thought it might have been mold or i also thought it might have been because i nuted a couple days ago but got some on the foilage when watering so i thought it might have created a...
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    How too Harvest 1/2 pound with 250w+LST!

    I went through that whole thread and i gotta say this was a sexy grow good buddy and to those pics before what did you end up coming up with because i know that i do not know a lot about growing the mary jane yet because i am only on my first grow but it looks like it could have also been a...
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    Yellowing leaves after transplant

    Probably a noob question but what do the worms do? and do you mean when you are making the organic tea or just in your garden?
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    Botanicare Nutrients??

    I actually just starting using botanicare nutrients too good buddy on my first grow at that but i figured they were organic so why not but if you have good results let me know cause i thought about getting the sweet raw PBP and to the above post i like the quote about socrates its also one of...
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    Yellowing leaves after transplant

    also have you heard about this tea i thought about using it every other watering.
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    Yellowing leaves after transplant

    wow that was quick good buddy :] But none as of yet just more of a written journal that i keep but yeah that is why i was thinking it was sulfur but i dunno i thought about making this tonic right here saw it on another forum and it looked and sounded gentle but effective. MJ Mineral...
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    Yellowing leaves after transplant

    Hello all at RIU, I recently transplanted my baby into a 4 gallon drainage holed pot with a plastic container to collect runoff. - Organic root compost as the medium -after transplant feed with water containing 2 parts liquid karma 1 part grow distilled water -noticed the yellowing of the...
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    Correction Roots Organics Soil by Aurora question

    sorry if that didn't make much sense you guys i was in the clouds when i wrote this earlier but i think you get the gist of what i was trying to say also though i have read the RO water is the best but i mean is distilled water okay and or when i made my mix of the PBP Grow and liquid karma and...
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    Correction Roots Organics Soil by Aurora question

    Just like the title have you guys heard of it cause i bought that with - a four gallon container with drain holes and a runoff tray for transplant - As of right...
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    Oregan root soil question

    Just like the title have you guys heard of it cause i bought that with - a four gallon container with drain holes and a runoff tray for transplant - As of right now 10ml/gal of liquid karma botanicare - 15ml/gal PBP grow - Feeding every other watering/ Distilled water at 6.0 ph for other...
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    Whats up with Fox Farms Ocean Forest Potting Soil?

    and thank you guys for the input i do appreciate it kindly :]
  12. L

    Whats up with Fox Farms Ocean Forest Potting Soil?

    Well i honestly figured it would be good for a few weeks or until my 4th or 5th set o true leaves came but after that point i just wanted to know if you guys have ever gone the route of using the botanicare line as my supplemental base nutrient and then this compost tea as either a foliage or...
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    Whats up with Fox Farms Ocean Forest Potting Soil?

    Quick question though i am using FFOF right now and i was thinking about buying botanicare nutes do you think that would be an unwise investment i just kind of like the botanicare line or do you guys think it would be conflicting using different products just figured i would ask if you guys had...