Correction Roots Organics Soil by Aurora question

Just like the title have you guys heard of it cause i bought that with

- a four gallon container with drain holes and a runoff tray for transplant
- As of right now 10ml/gal of liquid karma botanicare
- 15ml/gal PBP grow
- Feeding every other watering/ Distilled water at 6.0 ph for other watering
- But i guess my big question if you have heard of it would it be bad to transplant into oregan root soil from a FFOH because the guy at the hydro store said they were basically the same thing but what he used in the shop ya dig.
-Gonna get the bloom PBP too but just didn't need it yet so i figured i would just wait but when i do get it which will be soon do you guys recommend anything else i heard that the Sweet raw is good but any suggestions would be appreciated.

But thank you for the input and i hope to hear from you guys soon.
+ :leaf: = :hump: GOOD TIMES!!!!!
sorry if that didn't make much sense you guys i was in the clouds when i wrote this earlier but i think you get the gist of what i was trying to say also though i have read the RO water is the best but i mean is distilled water okay and or when i made my mix of the PBP Grow and liquid karma and i tested the PH it was at 5 but take into consideration i was using a pool testing ph kit but do you think that it too low for the soil because i am transplanting tonight and once i get things right i will get pictures up soon because it seems that there are a lot people on this site from what i have been reading anyways that are insightful but seem like pretty stand up people that i would surround myself with in my day to day hologram i mean life :]