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  1. F

    Sativa Strains

    talks cheap, money talks, bullshit walks etc. etc. .....
  2. F

    mushroom picking in bc?

    Mid to late September, it has to rain first for them to pop up and some years that can be quite late. The weather patterns here has changed dramatically, probably from climate change. My advice is watch the weather channels long range forecast and when you see rain forecast for the Island start...
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    Underrated 90's Tunes...

    Wynonna's Big Brown Beaver - Primus Got You Where I Want You - The Flys The Shelf in the Room - Days of the New
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    Seedlings vs. humidity in the 30's.

    on a scale of 1-10 about a 1.
  5. F

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    they made YOU a moderator ? shaking my head:/
  6. F

    compact floresent lights (tubes)Help!!

    because that's all he has in his heart. Brick Top was actually banned from these forums by the original administrator FDDK, when he stepped down the new one let him back in. To all you guys that stood up to him, good on you ! I wanted to also but I made a promise to myself that my 6000th post...
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    no a month at most, communication is ok. (my 6000 th and final post here, no follow up replys, sorry)
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    smelled like it when it was growing, I had to water cure it it because I got mold in my jars, that strips ALL flavor out, potent ? no not really still gets me off nicely even though its 3 years old.
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    Common Sources of Phosphorus???

    nope, you want bonemeal, available in almost any garden supply store. it'll raise your ph too so watch that if you're high already.
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    I haven't grown those particular strains from them just their Blueberry (excellent !). All the reviews I've seen have been very positive, the sweet skunk is a (welcome) new addition to their lineup. Highly recomend these guys but they can be quite slow getting their stuff to you. (this is a...
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    DMT Blast Off

    I've just become aware of this drug last night watching Dr David Suzuki's "The Nature of Things" The bulk of the show focoused on it's use as a psychiatric therapy for post traumatic stress disorder and addictions. This show was directed to the natural source of the drug Ayahuasca. My search...
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    Rotting smell,arrrgh!!!

    you mentioned your soil is made of compost, I assume the soil is waterlogged and no oxygen can react with the organic matter and you now have an anaerobic decomposition situation, that will give you that rotten odor. I would suggest plunging a pencil down into the pot all over to allow air to...
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    tga subcool deep purple, & querkle in stock anywhere?

    For the record Hemp Depot is cheaper but no freebies.
  15. F

    Anyone ordered from Canadian Hemp Co

    they're a fraud:
  16. F

    Is it worth it for me to grow?

    yeah but wtf is that thing hanging like 4 feet above ? ya might want that a little closer LOL !
  17. F

    Sunlight for the plants

    basement window, winter sunlight, hah ! you'll get nothing
  18. F

    METAL HALIDE 150W Philips

    nope, send it back, you can't get 6500 K in that low a wattage MH, go cfls
  19. F

    Seed still has shell on it.

    all taproot growth comes off the very tip, if that dried out for a few minutes it will never grow any further.
  20. F

    Is it worth it for me to grow?

    Can you handle the paranoia of getting caught and the repercussions ? Will having a secret garden alter your social life at home ? Do you love gardening and nurturing live plants & animals ? If no to any of these I would say it's not worth it.