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  1. K

    Is Anyone Else Addicted To Ebay...LOL... :-) Wanna Here Your Savings Stories...

    MJ is illegal but ebay and amazon isn't? Which is more addictive?
  2. K

    Marriage Proposal

    lol propose the right way with the ring don't get MJ involved. However later on you can get her matching diamond earrings which would fit nicely in those nugs and seems more appropriate. (lots of crystals on the nugs recommended so it is transparent with the diamonds) PS: Good luck. Make sure...
  3. K

    I don't hangout with friends anymore because...

    haha nice its great to know that rollitup has some responsible stoners who know how to handle their biz ( : i just don't get how some stoners think they are having the time of their lives when they are actually fiending off of others like a crackhead lol
  4. K

    I don't hangout with friends anymore because...

    everyone wants to party,go clubbing, match bowls, share joints, use my lighter, borrow money, beg for a cigarette, waste gas driving around, buy fast food, etc so i said NO NO NO to all this. I stopped hanging out with them but kept in contact on phone/texting because i found it hilarious how...
  5. K

    Heroes, whens the next instalment coming??

    what a dirty little slut that NikKi girl is.. LOL!
  6. K

    The PC Grow Box HELP! Plan on making a purchase very soon!

    I plan on buying this PC grow box, I know i can build my own but money really isn't a problem for me to do a little investing so anyways, i was wondering if anyone has tried growing in those commercial grow boxes (SEE PIC for EXACT MODEL) Now my question is this... Can it really grow 6-9...
  7. K

    Heroes, whens the next instalment coming??

    I once watched that show really high and the blond girl Ali Carter aka Nikki made me really horny. What a slut. bongsmilie
  8. K

    Why do You smoke Marijuana?

    music sounds wayy better! especially in my car driving at nights! sex is also great! food taste better, i don't yell at people when i'm high, when i'm sober i seem to be a very angry person, i guess it calms me down. Plus i will never go to a psychiatrist to find out i have this and that so...
  9. K


    oh great, females, snitch. typical. I prove my point.
  10. K


    damn im impressed thats a great list of artists and songs lol.. but anyways you asked why i convince them? well its part game yes and demonstrating a higher value, its like i said earlier, women are lookin for high value men, so that is exactly what i give them. And it works. hah classy women...
  11. K

    What kinda music do we all listen too?

    hah u should listen to some jefferson airplane, their music is trippy
  12. K


    saw yours too, i must say that Sri Lanka looks damn epic to visit hah
  13. K


    new era all the way!
  14. K

    What kinda music do we all listen too?

    im listening to aerosmith "dream on" now classic old skool rock music, listen to it on youtube, its so f**kin great high!
  15. K


    haha i'm always wearing a fitted hat, reminds me of the hood i moved out from, SOUTHSDE JAMAICA QNZ! lol 50 cent got shot 3 blocks from my house ): hah oh well im out the hood! surburban now! hehe
  16. K


    whats wrong with that lol
  17. K


    apologize? F**K YOU, don't talk to me
  18. K


    may i ask how old you are? you can reply but thats okay u don't have to, you are on my ignore list.
  19. K


    lol maybe i do need medication but nothing is better than grass ( :
  20. K


    heres me