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  1. K


    this is prooff that you do not know how to read lol and you wish you could meet me? I hope your willing to use ur fist and fight head on.
  2. K


    exactly, noone threatened anyone besides him threatening me, uhh lame men like him is a disgrace... hahaha
  3. K


    listen you moron, i am not here to pick a fight, i have not threaten anyone like you have with me, do you want to start shit? hide behind your computer? how old are you? this entire post was well conversation and you posted the most immature comment 'you are an idiot" that only shows that you...
  4. K


    and your a chump.
  5. K


    nice, do you listen to aerosmith, jefferson airplane, acdc, steppenwolf, guns n roses and queen? lol those artists are so cool to listen to when high (:
  6. K


    of course his opinion would be different, hes older and living a different time u idiot, thats life, i wont be thinking the same if i have a family, i would be thinking about protecting my wife and kids, not bang more chicks. So yes, opinions do change, and you haven't closely read any of my...
  7. K


    Those who judge will be judged haha you obviously forgot what a 24 year old world was like, maybe because you are too old lady. Listen, you are one of many women who wold say I don't stand a chance with you, did you know that i've banged every women who ever told me that? and why would I cry...
  8. K


    yeah it's mostly the newer generation girls really, i personally would prefer old fashion women, plus i enjoy classic rock, i was made for the 70s haha It's great that your doing well for yourself like I said haha I have a feeling i'll do fine in the future, i just wish i could have everything...
  9. K

    5 grams just bought

    did you find out the quality of it? swhag, regs, mids, dro, trips? if it's high quality stuff like dro, you got a good deal, usually an 1/8 goes for about $50 here which is about 3.5 grams. Do you know the name of the strain you bought?
  10. K


    i agree with you i think shes cool and i'm glad that shes a happy person and successfull, good for her. lol Maybe she was talking about the family life when everyone is settled down after all she did mention that shes been in a relationship for 11 years. I'm 24 years old, i like to speak the...
  11. K


    heh thats the things about me, this is a discussion forum so I discuss, no harm intended. My thoughts on women and them being turned off won't ever happen hah these thoughts go no further that this board lol i'm good at what I do and keeping my feelings to myself. That's the point anyways, women...
  12. K


    haha i might give her a chance shes so cute when shes angry
  13. K


    Congratulations on being a typical woman again. As a man I can analyze from what you said above and say that you do lack alot of logical thinking in the brain, no offense but it's a fact, men are supposedly smarter at certain things and women are smarter at certain things. Now I may seem like I...
  14. K


    see you are a typical woman, no offense everything you wrote above was predictable in most mens eyes. i'm pretty sure I could pick you up, the more intelligent a girl is the easier they are especially if you are rolling with your girlfriends because of the fact that women of your statue likes...
  15. K


    hey now i have been hurt but never f**ked over. Being hurt tho didn't had any affect on me it was whatever i'll move on and get over it and that was my first love. I guess i'm prety calm with breakups cuz i know alot of guys who are troubled by it ha I do know why i am this way tho, its because...
  16. K


    your wrong, I don't have low regards for girls, I love girls, they just don't do anything for me other than satisfy me sexually haha what do you do with your guy friends? i enjoy football, boxing, etc would you be able to keep up? I doubt that i can punch a guy in the face and he'll be okay, i...
  17. K


    thats cool as long as you don't slow your guy friends down haha we hate that. I guess I can see how guys can enjoy a girls presence when chillin with their boys.. or maybe i never found a girl who was a cool friend, i tried.. i don't laugh at any jokes they make, i dont like how they wine and...
  18. K

    Men should all be players, for the sake of all men!

    The world is changing! hah well not really, anyways, i've posted in recent threads talking about why women are bitches and men should be players etc.. I would like to start a topic on this because I am getting kinda of frustrated with how society is changing. Who am i blaming? MEN!!! For...
  19. K


    i like how you said "very few of them are friends with benefits" have you notice you said that? thats great! we like girls like you haha we get to chill with you and mess around, something fun for us.. the other guys are just idiots u hang with if they dont get anything from you.. I mean what...
  20. K


    basically women are all evil bitches in the mind and they don't even notice, all women care about is themselves, we as men already know that we will do everything for our wives, girlfriends but will never be appreciated trust me hah. ever notice how women love to spend hours in stores shopping...