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Well-Known Member
I agree. I hate it when a guy always agrees with me, or always gives me my way, where's the fun in that? I like a man who has a mind of his own damn it, who has the balls to tell me no (unless I REALLY want it of course...)
disagree with me have balls and your own brain but never say no when i want sex


Well-Known Member
You're only telling me no because this is a message board, and I can't work my powers of persuasion....

lol, you mean there are guys out there who say no to sex? Never had it happen to me before...I'd probably be shocked.
Yeah but, just hearing the word No!!!! made you want to work your powers of pussuasion....:).....NO!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
lol, you got me there Johnny. Someone tells me no, and it compells me to turn that No into a Yes, by whatEVER means necessary...


Well-Known Member
wow, someone in my shoes....

more often than not, women get fucked up by themselves, as already pointed out in here....they meet the right guy, and start knitpicking everything about him cuz he hasn't talked shit to them or hasn't done anything bad, only been kind and gentleman like.

bravo was sorta right but it's not being a bad ass and its not being careless, its about being confident, don't be afraid to say what you mean, and dont be afraid to be direct, if you want something say you want it, if you care show you care, if they start fucking you over, or acting suspicious leave, it goes both ways, men and women get fucked over the same amounts, and it sucks, never stay with a chick cuz she's good in bed, if it's a booty call thats all it is you will never have a relationship other than that, if it's the girl of your dreams, and she says that she's looking for more, tell her to find it, and go your separate ways, get another dream.

asking women why they fuck up is pointless, They'll always say you sound perfect and the girls were bitches, not because they're lying, but because all women love the idea of the gentleman who is respectful and caring, but usually when they find him too many assholes have fucked them over and they mess up too. Men aren't born to be players, and women aren't born as sluts, shit gets fucked up cuz of someone before you, and thats why they will end up fucking each other over in the end....it sucks but your best bet is to move on and keep your head high-

mind you, this is all coming from a man who has been thru exactly what you outlined, I've been told by women I was "too nice" that "I was uncomfortable because you're such a good guy" and my favorite "I just felt like you're too good for me" its bullshit, it sucks, but fuck it, it's life, keep your head up and keep hope, You'll find the right one someday who appreciates what you do for her. Don't let it get to, women and men want what is just out of reach, don't put yourself out to be desperate, and stay cool, not overly excited, most times i find women just want to test the waters and see what you're all about, if they see any sign of weakness they remember it and move on...but the memories don't go away, and someday it will be used against you.

Just my take on it, good luck to you bro-


Well-Known Member
dude i understand what your saying, its happened to me so much thats why i dont believe in love anymore as i have said in a few other posts/threads

mr j2

Well-Known Member
Women just like bad boys ya know. Maybe part of the reason why good guys get dicked over is because the woman feels like they have more power since the man isn't asserting as much power and then they feel like they can do what they want or maybe they just get bored with them. But coming from a good guy.. you just have to find a girl who appreciates it. You have to find the ones who are truly looking for a "good guy" and don't just like the idea of one. And I understand where (whoever said it) is coming from when they said they're scared that good guys are secretly crazy because a lot of them are lol. But I'm fine, and idk, the ladies seem to like it :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I used to be a really nice guy and do all the showering with gifts.Then girls just wanted to use me for awhile and get some nice shit to take with em when they leave. Thats why know on certain occasions im a hopeless romantic,but then again on monday mornings im one mean rugged beast. Lmao. I have never been denied sex. And for me the closest to being told NO was when this girl said "Well you're going to have to do ALL of the work,Im way too drunk" That night sure wore me out.:-|



Active Member
I agree with pink about the bitch from hell magnet thing! lol, I've known some really AWESOME guys, like damn near perfect, and they ALWAYS seem to end up with this major BITCH who I can't STAND who doesn't appreciate how awesome the guy is...

lol and good guys kinda make me suspicious too! Like, I sit there waiting for the other shoe to drop you know? If a guy seems too perfect, I start looking for flaws....
hah you said you can't stand the major bitch lol believe it or not I use this as game! hah im always with a major bitch and i treat her ass nice as shit on purpose cause i know girls like you are watching saying "damn hes such a nice guy and hes with that bitch!" lol it kinda lure girls like you towards me but damn, im kind of a badboy myself so I always end up leaving the decent girls like you that i pickup after i spoil them with excitment lol

Don't listen to me tho, many people told me i'm f*8ked up how i handle my women, i respect women i honestly feel I don't need any woman as a friend other than a friend with benifit just because of the fact that I don't want to chill with a girl who is a friend and take her out and waste my time while she f**ks some other a**hole. That's what make women evil to me, they do things that aren't logical at all, women are responsible for themselves being played.

Plus i came to realize that most women are sluts. Now i understand alot of females might say "oh men are bigger sluts!" well that can't be true in my eyes because i have so many guy friends who complain about not getting laid for months and months even years! then i have my girlfriends who gets laid every week, 2 weeks, month, women cry out for dick after a month, they are lazy to masturbate.

And for countryboy, nice guys finish last, learn how a badboy finishes.

PS: I hope no females were hurt during the reading of this reply.

and if any of this doesn't make sense, I will try to correct it when I am sober. ( :


Well-Known Member
hah you said you can't stand the major bitch lol believe it or not I use this as game! hah im always with a major bitch and i treat her ass nice as shit on purpose cause i know girls like you are watching saying "damn hes such a nice guy and hes with that bitch!" lol it kinda lure girls like you towards me but damn, im kind of a badboy myself so I always end up leaving the decent girls like you that i pickup after i spoil them with excitment lol

Don't listen to me tho, many people told me i'm f*8ked up how i handle my women, i respect women i honestly feel I don't need any woman as a friend other than a friend with benifit just because of the fact that I don't want to chill with a girl who is a friend and take her out and waste my time while she f**ks some other a**hole. That's what make women evil to me, they do things that aren't logical at all, women are responsible for themselves being played.

Plus i came to realize that most women are sluts. Now i understand alot of females might say "oh men are bigger sluts!" well that can't be true in my eyes because i have so many guy friends who complain about not getting laid for months and months even years! then i have my girlfriends who gets laid every week, 2 weeks, month, women cry out for dick after a month, they are lazy to masturbate.

And for countryboy, nice guys finish last, learn how a badboy finishes.

PS: I hope no females were hurt during the reading of this reply.

and if any of this doesn't make sense, I will try to correct it when I am sober. ( :

Well, I usually only notice nice guys getting treated like shit if the nice guy is a friend of mine, you know? I don't normally just go around noticing how couples interact...

And you don't need women as friends except as friends with benefits? Wow, that's...wierd. I have a LOT of guy friends, and very few of them are friends with benefits. Mind, my guy friends don't take me out. We'll all go out places, but if I have money I pay for myself. Mostly we just kick it and smoke, play video games, go off roading, go camping, or swimming.

Too lazy to masturbate? BS. https://www.rollitup.org/spirituality-sexuality-philosophy/58215-pink-s-masturbation-survey.html


Well-Known Member
im not pussy whipped in the slightest. im a person that really likes to be single cause i work really hard to stay in shape and it pays off shit look at my picture in the fitness thread i was only workin out 10 days befor that fight :roll:, so i always got girls on me, when i say treat like a queen its not being perfect im just a countryboy gentleman its how i was raised i just treat women right but i wont hesitat to drop their ass even if i get a "feelin", its like something i picked up over time i get vibes from people its almost like im reading there mind and i can read body language befor the person has even finished there thought (all the deadly animals i work with hones this talent lol) so am willing to drop a relationship just over this. im already over this girl cause i got another on her way over now! lol i love my life :hump::joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i met up with her and her new/old dude today after class and i told them since im 18 now im not even worried about whoopin him, then i asked him if he liked chocolate sauce then said never mind and to ask her about that and i just walked away laughing,( the last day i was with her i had her lick chocolate sauce off my dick! lol he can have her!) i figured that'd be worse then physical pain lol


There's treachery afoot
If you have to put your woman on a pedestal and treat her like a queen...get a new one, she is not a keeper. Women love gifts and they love that their man or woman...is thinking of them, but the whole queen crap is so codependant! Christ, if you have to give her things to keep her around...you my friend are whipped. There are plenty of woman who want to meet nice men. The bad boy thing is ok in highschool and college but gets pretty old after awhile. Women want attention whether it be in the form of gifts, a home made dinner a good conversation or sex. They just want to feel a part of the relationship and not just a bystander who is kept around to passify the almighty pee pee. Don't get me wrong, sex is important to intimacy but really boys, cmon, you think a woman will stick around just for good sex? If she does, she is a shallow individual and does not own a good vibrator. If she cheats, you are not meeting all of her needs. Emotionally, phisically, whatever...or maybe she is just a slut and probably not the woman of your dreams.


Active Member
basically women are all evil bitches in the mind and they don't even notice, all women care about is themselves, we as men already know that we will do everything for our wives, girlfriends but will never be appreciated trust me hah. ever notice how women love to spend hours in stores shopping while you wait outside in the car? do you think they care that your waiting bored for hours? nope they are busy shopping.

No matter how intelligent a woman is, they are all the same whether they dropped out from highschool or graduated college. They all love to talk, shop, look pretty, etc except that one can get a higher result on a IQ test than the other.

A man should always be a player his whole life with the girl hes with, make sure you have women in check or they will walk all over you, make sure u exaggerate ur stories when you talk to them, women love excitement, white lies work perfect on every girl.

Remember also that women are not logical at all and they are so easy to pickup and lay, when i say that you have to trust me on it, the majority of girls i meet in society are horrible at conversations or even if they are not, they get nervous and vulnerable when talking to strangers, you can use that as power to manipulate their mind into getting them in bed.


Active Member
Well, I usually only notice nice guys getting treated like shit if the nice guy is a friend of mine, you know? I don't normally just go around noticing how couples interact...

And you don't need women as friends except as friends with benefits? Wow, that's...wierd. I have a LOT of guy friends, and very few of them are friends with benefits. Mind, my guy friends don't take me out. We'll all go out places, but if I have money I pay for myself. Mostly we just kick it and smoke, play video games, go off roading, go camping, or swimming.

Too lazy to masturbate? BS. https://www.rollitup.org/spirituality-sexuality-philosophy/58215-pink-s-masturbation-survey.html
i like how you said "very few of them are friends with benefits" have you notice you said that? thats great! we like girls like you haha we get to chill with you and mess around, something fun for us.. the other guys are just idiots u hang with if they dont get anything from you.. I mean what do u need us guys for? don't u have ur girlfriends to chill with? dont tell me u hate how girls act lol there is no logic in that.
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