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  1. S

    130 Watt flood light grow.?

    Im growing 3, 2 inch tall plants. under my bed with two 65 watt flood light lamps. do flood lights work? I also have two flourescent tubes running along the side of the pot. will this work? please help
  2. S

    Help! Extremely Slow Growth!

    alright thanks a lot. that sounds right. when should i start to use nutes?
  3. S

    Help! Extremely Slow Growth!

    Ok, its been two weeks since they sprouted they are now about 1-2 inches tall. i had them outside for the first weeks til i could set up a grow closet. they are now in there with a 30 watt cfl lamp. no venting just open the door a couple times a day. temperature is about 70-75 degrees. but they...
  4. S

    First closet grow...NEED help!!!

    I started my first grow two weeks ago. i dropped the seeds in a planter that had soil in it already. i dont know if the soil had been used before. they sprouted in five days and i left them outdoors for about 7-8 days then found a good closet to put them in. I have them under 1 13 watt cfl...