Help! Extremely Slow Growth!


Active Member
Ok, its been two weeks since they sprouted they are now about 1-2 inches tall. i had them outside for the first weeks til i could set up a grow closet. they are now in there with a 30 watt cfl lamp. no venting just open the door a couple times a day. temperature is about 70-75 degrees.
but they are all about a inch or two apart from each other and im not sure how to transplant them. i just put the light in yesterday and is about two inches away from my babies. i put a little ready-to-pour miracle grow on them last night. the soil they are in may have been used before. but since the light has been put in and the miracle grow was put in the soil they grew about a half inch over night. please help me with my problems. :joint:


Well-Known Member
i think you just explained your problem

better venting... more light... get a fan

also moving from one light source to another might have stressed them, ive seen it happen before

dont use nutes yet, they are way to small