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  1. newcastle543

    Dieing leaves, should I cut them off?

    So, I chopped off the 1dt set of leaves and now the 2nd have gone completelely yellow and are almost ready to fall off. It seems like as new leaves grow, the old ones are dying. I don't think there is much hope for these babies. Anyone have any idea what might be going on here? If I trash...
  2. newcastle543

    Dieing leaves, should I cut them off?

    My hand only gets hot when it's within 6 inches of the light, but I know thats way too close. I guess I'll just leave them were theyre at and check on them in the morning.
  3. newcastle543

    Dieing leaves, should I cut them off?

    Lol, I laid wormcastings on top and did smooth it out a bit my hands. My humidity usually stays between 40-50%. I have a warm mist humidifier but it draws 3 amps and only seems to raise the humidity a few points so I don't always put it in there. Btw, I tried to make a random name and this is...
  4. newcastle543

    Dieing leaves, should I cut them off?

    Thank you, I had suspected that something like might be going on. I just plucked them now and I noticed a faint aroma in the tent. I have a 600 watt light with MH bulb. AFter the transplant I had it about 2.5 ft above them and then I noticed that the plants were stretching again so I lowered...
  5. newcastle543

    Dieing leaves, should I cut them off?

    See, I'm not sure if it was overwatering or underwatering. The downward spiral seemed to be triggered by a day when I accidentally left the tent zipped up without the exhaust fan on. Also, I don't think the transplant shocked them, their stems look greener but there is definitely still room for...
  6. newcastle543

    Dieing leaves, should I cut them off?

    They were wilting really bad and beginning to yellow when I decided to transplant out of the dixie cups. Now I don't know what roots are supposed to look like but theres were all long, white, and stringy and they were running all the way down the sides of the cup to the bottom.
  7. newcastle543

    Dieing leaves, should I cut them off?

    I have five 2 week old seedlings who have gotten off to a very rought start. Two days ago I transplanted them into 3 gallon buckets and I'm hoping to not make any more mistakes, but what should I do about the leaves that are already dieing? As you can see, the lowest set have turned yellow...
  8. newcastle543

    Seedlings in 3 much water?

    Thanks, doe eyed. Two cups is about 470 ml, right? And do you usually have any run-off? I made a soil mix of about 3 parts ffof 1 part spaghnum peat moss and 1 part perlite, or thereabouts(I eyeballed everything). I wanted to include some vermiculite and dolomite lime but wasn't able to get...
  9. newcastle543

    Seedlings in 3 much water?

    Yesterday, I transplanted my 14 day old(more like 9 days if you don't count all the stunted days) seedlings into 3 gallon containers in an attempt to rescue them from their ever worsening condition. I now believe it was a combination of heat stress and underwatering. Anyway, after...
  10. newcastle543

    Soil dry on the top and sides, but moist in the middle?

    Do you mean water and then throw more soil on top? Tell me more about this.
  11. newcastle543

    Soil dry on the top and sides, but moist in the middle?

    I should have read this before taking action tonight...they were looking worse so I took one out to have a looksee and the roots long and stringy and they ran all the way to the bottom of the cup! So, in a panic I quickly made a soil mix and transplanted all of them to the 3 gallon containers...
  12. newcastle543

    Soil dry on the top and sides, but moist in the middle?

    I just bought this camera so that I could post pics so hopefully the clarity is acceptable. A few more things that I remember doing 'wrong': the first couple of times that I watered the plants, I let the run-off sit in the tupperware where it was slowly sucked back up. Also, because my soil...
  13. newcastle543

    grow tents

    I have a 4 x 4 x 7 sunhut silver xl. I got it off ebay for around $215 shipped. Aside from one of the assembly pieces being mis-shapen (replacement was sent right out), it has been working good for me. In the past, people have reported toxicity issues but those were mostly the older version...
  14. newcastle543

    Turned on Duct Fan and Tent began to Reek! Help!

    Yep, :clap:, could have used you 11 days ago...third time turning it on was not a charm in this case... On the positive side, the new fan is running and learn i guess...
  15. newcastle543

    Soil dry on the top and sides, but moist in the middle?

    How vital is being under 80 degrees? I live in a hot climate and in order to keep the tent at 84, i need to keep my central air running at 74 which is both costly and unseasonable cold for me. Couple that with the fact that sometimes i lock the bedroom door when i leave for work and the temps do...
  16. newcastle543

    Turned on Duct Fan and Tent began to Reek! Help!

    Thanks, buddy and you are fan should shoot smoke! Stupid stoner + easy electric work = smoke coming out of fan + loss of money The lesson here is that this fan has two (2) if your extension cord has three (3) prongs, don't be stupid like me... I'm gonna see how...
  17. newcastle543

    Soil dry on the top and sides, but moist in the middle?

    Also, I use to have a warm mist humidifier (proably should have gotten the cool mist) but, anyway, I took it out of the tent a few days ago so hopefully adding it back now will help aid in the recovery process. It's kinda funny how much my plants are already dictating my mood. When they look...
  18. newcastle543

    Soil dry on the top and sides, but moist in the middle?

    Hey Spiritual, thanks for that chart--bookmarked. After answering the questions, it would appear that my seedlings have a P deficience. But I haven't fed tham nutes yet? I was thinking i should do that around the end of the 2nd 'real week' so maybe 1 week from now? Also, when should I transplant...
  19. newcastle543

    Soil dry on the top and sides, but moist in the middle?

    My 11 day old seedlings have already suffered from an assortment of rookie mistakes but nothing appeared to be life threatening until recently. The leaves became wilted and droopy, then the bottom leaves began to lose color and become yellow and red veiny lines began to appear in the top...
  20. newcastle543

    Household items for plants to stand on?

    So I'm trying to figure out what I can use to support my plants while avoiding spending money. What type of things do you guys use? I have a lot of cardboard boxes lying around but obviously they seem like a fire hazard. I've been looking through the free section on craigslist but what type...