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  1. e4 grower

    Advice plz advice

    hey peepz thanks for reading my set up is in a little closet i have coated the walls and doors in tin foil and have got 2 fluoro tubes and 1 compact low wat fluoro with a small fan for strong stem and ventalation b'coz its a little grow room and im only growing 1 plant will this grow my little...
  2. e4 grower

    first time set up

    hey thanks for reading my set up is in a small closet and iv tin foiled all the walls and door for the lighting im useing 2 standard 1 foot fluoros and 1 mini compact fluoro and a small fan for srenthging the stem and ventalation b'coz its a small grow room, but will this set up grow my 3 week...
  3. e4 grower

    advice advice

    thanks for the advice but would i be able to purcse that from my local diy store?? thanks for the info and more would be nice!?
  4. e4 grower

    advice advice

    thank for whos taking the time to read this but can any 1 just let me know if 2 standard fluoros and 1 mini compact fluoro get 1 plant from veg to flower and bud thanks for the help
  5. e4 grower

    need advice

    hey peepz im a first time grower and need some good advice first il go through my set up im useing a small cupboard grow room and done all the basics like coated the wall ect with foil and the light system is 2 standard 1ft fluoresents and 1 mini compact fluoro and baby bio for nutrients i am...