some states in the us now take your blood and if you refuse you get a dui they now train po to draw blood common now they want us gone we seemed to cause enough trouble for them
the world powers are building a seedbank in the arctic for tomatoes and such do you think they included your favorite variety of smoke i think not in the us start your own seedbank just be picky who you give them to
i didnt use the mail made the trip from ny to toronto long drive just dont trust nobody my way didnt want customs to take anything for themselves very good so far but just a op from a noob
Been smokin and drinking since 15 45 now aint got a problem in the world first thing you do is get a bottle of bartons vodka smoke something good and hold on wake up tommorow and do it again after 30 years youll be fine that advice will cost you money from a real doc so any contributions to my...