Search results

  1. B

    Where are you

    Where are you
  2. B

    oh yes, if you can give me you yahoo id i would appreciate it. ill be on a lot more often now...

    oh yes, if you can give me you yahoo id i would appreciate it. ill be on a lot more often now. especially to re-look at your beautiful harvest. good job!
  3. B

    you have done well. very proud

    you have done well. very proud
  4. B

    just got my first laptop. no excuses though. i am connected for the first time in 6 years. whats...

    just got my first laptop. no excuses though. i am connected for the first time in 6 years. whats up motherrfuckeckerr. my yahoo is thermotronica@yahoo. hope to talk to you soon.
  5. B

    face hugger invasion! PLZ! help identify this thing

    marijuana defense mechanism?
  6. B

    face hugger invasion! PLZ! help identify this thing

    its a cactus spike