Search results

  1. gnslngr

    5000k ?

    if you have a Lowes go there, they have 6500k in a 4 pack of 23 or 24 watt bulbs, they are half the cost of what you'll pay getting them off line. Also i wouldnt use the 5000k bulbs, i bought those at first since home depot lables them as "daylight" but when i saw that i got some off line (and...
  2. gnslngr

    Romulan cfl box grow 8th week

    Thanks Pipe Dream! i can let the paranoia rest for a little longer haha. i appreciate the help everyone.
  3. gnslngr

    Romulan cfl box grow 8th week

    Yea dude no worries about being condescending, its hard to explain all this shit imo. I do know what the pistils are, i've actually taken a couple college plant science classes, so i understand how plants grow and everything, im just not good with the marijuana specifics yet. The way you put it...
  4. gnslngr

    Romulan cfl box grow 8th week

    Thanks for the reply Beansly! but sorry about the clarity on the question, here is try 2. so i grew a few bag seeds (12/12 2700k) and wasnt trying to get any bud off of them or anything just kind of wanted to see how the plants cycle, they all 3 were female, only one really made it very long (i...
  5. gnslngr

    Romulan cfl box grow 8th week

    Thanks hiddenidentity. I veg'ed my 2 bigger plants for about 4 weeks and the 2 smaller about 3.5 weeks. just how my clones came out, and again partially my impatience and also a result of my spacial limitations. all together i have roughly 220-230 watts running right now, all 2700k. during veg i...
  6. gnslngr

    total wattage?

    I am using 2 - 64 watt (300 eq) cfls in a y splitter just fine, also have a four way split with 24ish (100 eq) covering 4 plants in a (roughly) 2.5x2x4h box grow and the girls are looking really good. its hard to find 6500k bulbs larger than 23 watts for cheap, but lowes carries that wattage...
  7. gnslngr

    Romulan cfl box grow 8th week

    This is my first time growing and im doing a little homemade box with 4 lst'd Romulan clones. Im in week 8 right now, so the buds are looking pretty. Before i set all this up i germinated a few random bag seeds and flowered them from seedlings just to see how it would work, anyway had no clue...
  8. gnslngr

    starting cfl grow need help

    any brand will work if thats what you mean. as long as you use 2700 k and 6500 k, for budding and veg growth respectively.. i have a little grow im setting up with 4 26watt 2300k cfls i got at home depot. 10 bucks for the 4 of em. home depot doesnt carry 6500 k daylight bulbs, i made the mistake...
  9. gnslngr

    1st time grow, unknown seeds

    Ok. Got two plants lookin like the third pic above. Still wondering if that is ok. Also my temp has gone down to 81 and the humidity has settled around 45 percent.
  10. gnslngr

    1st time grow, unknown seeds

    its been a little while since ive been on here but i guess there hasnt been much to report. The sprouts seem to be doing well, but as a complete rookie i could be mistaken. i went out the other day and got a temp/humidity thermometer. i noticed it was a little hot for em so i took the fan...
  11. gnslngr

    1st time grow, unknown seeds

    thanks for checkin it out teamkiller. yea i've got the bubls pretty close to the foliage, probably 1.5 inches just to keep it a little cooler and im not trying to grow amazing weed here, just more of a fun way to get a lot of cheap weed at once. Have you done any LST on your plants?
  12. gnslngr

    1st time grow, unknown seeds

    Hey all, so its my first grow and i decided to do a little cfl box grow. as of right now i have 3 sprouts (of an unknown strain (seeds obtained from my roommate who has had them over a year and randomly found while cleaning.)) under their own 26w 6500k light. they actually just sprouted this...
  13. gnslngr

    First Grow - "Stealth" - Bagseed - 130W CFL: All input welcome!!

    h&p, love the set up and sorry about the light disaster. Im a complete newb and your posts have helped my out a lot! its been a bit hard for me to find simple small grows like this to model off of. If you dont mind Im gonna pretty much steal your set up with a few different tweaks. Thanks and...
  14. gnslngr

    6 Bagseeds 12/12 140w CFL in a Wardrobe Box

    Hey man, love the little set up you've got. I'm looking to do something very similar just can't really find a good fixture for the bulbs. What did you use? I'm referring to the pics on page one where you've got your sprouts under lights. Any help would be awesome! Thanks
  15. gnslngr

    First time grow PLAN

    Damn thats a lot. That is not worth the extra cash for the lights imo. Well looks like im back to the drawing board for a while. I'll check out/post more in the CFL sections. Thanks again for the replies, If anyone else has anything please help a brother out. :leaf:
  16. gnslngr

    First time grow PLAN

    Thanks for the reply! it leads me to more questions of course. 1. Is there a bulb i can throw into the shop fixture during flowering? 2. How drastically reduced will the yield be with the crappy set up? 3. how many CFLs would 2 or 3 plants require? and at what wattage or kelvin? (sorry i dont...
  17. gnslngr

    First time grow PLAN

    Thanks for the reply! yea your info was helpful, anything i get told will be helpful since i know so little. but i feel a lot better about getting a couple shop lights and going with the floros
  18. gnslngr

    Whats up folks? Glad you stopped by.

    Whats up folks? Glad you stopped by.
  19. gnslngr

    First time grow PLAN

    So ive been snooping around the forum for a bout a week trying to formulate a plan for my roommate and i to germinate about 6 plants and hopefully keep 2 or 3 after sexing. We are going to be doing this as cheaply as possible pretty much. Were gonna be growing in a 5 gallon bucket after culling...
  20. gnslngr

    Welcome New Members!

    What up everyone. complete newb looking for help. heard a good review of the site so im here to try and find my answers. see you out there :leaf: