1st time grow, unknown seeds


Hey all, so its my first grow and i decided to do a little cfl box grow. as of right now i have 3 sprouts (of an unknown strain (seeds obtained from my roommate who has had them over a year and randomly found while cleaning.)) under their own 26w 6500k light. they actually just sprouted this morning. I have a 20x20 inch box set up with a fan intake but im not sure of the size, maybe 7 inches. the inside is lined with reflective paper i found on the underside of pallets holding wood burning pellets. right now the seeds are in some miracle grow cactus soil cause thats all i had available (also saw ) but once they get a little bit bigger i plan on using Ocean Forrest from Fox Farms.

well yea thats all i can think of. like i said first time growing so any comments are welcomed. :joint:

ps ill get some pics up after the leaves open up a bit more, they look like any other sprout as of now so not that impressive.
I've been doing the exact same thing. 3 unknown strains, CFL lights, ocean forrest soil. Alot of people say CFL's suck and don't work. But if your not trying to grow top shelf weed they'll be fine. I've got 8 CFL's on my plants, 4 on the top beaming down and 4 spread out around the middle and base to get light into those hard to reach area's. CFL's can be placed 1 inch or so from the plant and should be since CFL light doesn't penetrate for shit. They've been growing fine under those conditions since august 1st and there looking pretty nice. I'll get a picture up soon.


thanks for checkin it out teamkiller. yea i've got the bubls pretty close to the foliage, probably 1.5 inches just to keep it a little cooler and im not trying to grow amazing weed here, just more of a fun way to get a lot of cheap weed at once. Have you done any LST on your plants?


its been a little while since ive been on here but i guess there hasnt been much to report. The sprouts seem to be doing well, but as a complete rookie i could be mistaken. i went out the other day and got a temp/humidity thermometer. i noticed it was a little hot for em so i took the fan off the box and put it above them. they arent in the box yet since itd be too tought to get in every day to water them. The temp has settled around 85 F and the humidity is at 45%. i heard that a damp paper towel on the back of the fan can help get the temp down but will also raise the humidity.. I havent heard a good range on what humidity should be at but i heard 85 is on the high end of the spectrum. I've got a few pictures finally too...and some questions to go along with them:

In the group shot the sprout on the left and right have awkward leaves that somewhat cover the other leaves.

the second pic is just cool i thought. (edit)

In the third, i was wondering why the leaves are pointing up so much like that? this plant has seemed to take off the fastest so im hoping its normal and the other two are just slower. (edit)

Thanks for checkin it it and if you have any answers for me they are appreciated!



Ok. Got two plants lookin like the third pic above. Still wondering if that is ok. Also my temp has gone down to 81 and the humidity has settled around 45 percent.