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  1. C


    possibly nutes. dont feed until your plant is well established
  2. C

    in the greenhouse

    has anyone ever grown in a greenhouse ? ive searched the site for info and cant find any. i have 2 plants in my greenhouse that have started to flower lots of white hairs poking out and no sign of any balls. this my second grow this year i had 2 in a room under hps that went hermie on me so im...
  3. C

    uk greenhouse

    total random supposition. say i had 2 sativas in a green house in the uk and they were healthy and bushy. with the on coming equinox, does anybody think they would go into flower and finish naturaly ? im interested to know.
  4. C

    1st grow ever

    youre going to need a fan and some reflective material fella. those sedlings are going to streatch big time with hps so far away. can you get a flouresent for vegging and have it nearer the top of the plant? ive made the same mistakes recently. have a good look through this site and all the tips...
  5. C

    Wtf is this a hermi?

    bin the evil retard mate. i had 2 hermies and have developed a hatred of the gender shifting twats. all that work on your children wasted when they turn aaaaaaarghhhhhh
  6. C

    how to tell if plant was pollinated

    quality !!!!!!!!!!
  7. C

    5 weeks flowering hermies

    i have 2 7ft thai plants on the go under 400hps problem is they have both turned hermie. grown from seeds from compressed imported thai i suppose this was bound to happen!!! my question is should i destroy them or continue with them under lights or put them back outside and let nature take its...
  8. C

    Male, Female, or Hermy???

    hermie for sure
  9. C

    help with hermies

    how about at the top ofthe stalks that are hermi should i remove the whole cola ?
  10. C

    help with hermies

    ok so ive been posting here a couple of times now about hermies today i can confirm my babies are definately hermies !!! ive read that you can remove as many of the balls as possible thus reducing the amount of seeds at the end. is this true ? about 50% of the stalks on both plants show hermi...
  11. C

    advice needed

    using canna bloom
  12. C

    advice needed

    niceone. theyre both thai. big mothers with loads of bud sites all over. thought they were hermies last week but what i thought were pollen balls have turned out to be showing white hairs -happy days. what u reackon ? another 6 weeks ?
  13. C

    advice needed

    yeah they looking real healthy as i said i havnt changed anything at all. is it normal to get fast bud development and then for it to slow down
  14. C

    advice needed

    my plants have been flowerin for just over three weeks now but have all of a sudden stalled in development. havnt really changed in 3 days. is this normal ? am feeding with the right nutrients and havnt done anything diffferent
  15. C

    think ive got hermies!!!

    nice one. ill go and start castrating them now then. this is my first grow i think i will invest in some feminised seeds next time. as long as this shit smokes im not that bothered
  16. C

    think ive got hermies!!!

    i started some plants from seeds left over from a bag of thai they are 3 weeks into flowering now and im sure theyre hermies some stalks all female characteristics some looking like males (balls). my question is this. how will they smoke? theyre both 7ft tall and look real healthy and i dont...
  17. C


    ive got 2 plants in my grow room that i veged for 8 weeks in the greenhouse both are very healthy looking and have been on 12/12 for 2 weeks. the tops are nearly touching the ceiling now about 7 ft high, can i train them to grow sideways ? ps bot grown from a bag of thai.