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  1. C

    Plz Help leaves facing down and starting to turn yellow

    Thank you do you think it's still salvageable or is it done for, what should I do at this point
  2. C

    Plz Help leaves facing down and starting to turn yellow

    Yea I definitely need help someone please let me know what I need to do to save my baby
  3. C

    Plz Help leaves facing down and starting to turn yellow

    This is probably the 3rd or 4th week into grow is it growing slow? Sorry yall first plant
  4. C

    Plz Help leaves facing down and starting to turn yellow

    I'm growing in fox farm ocean forest with perlite and 2 tbl spoons of big bloom and 1 teaspoon of grow big what can I do to fix this?
  5. C

    Plz Help leaves facing down and starting to turn yellow

    Also I just watered yesterday because the soil was dry to the point where it was cracking so I gave it a feeding 1 gal of water mixed with big bloom and grow big also the first time she's getting nutes
  6. C

    Plz Help leaves facing down and starting to turn yellow

    Should I just leave it alone for a couple of days?
  7. C

    Plz Help leaves facing down and starting to turn yellow

    Please help leaves are facing down and starting to turn yellow any idea what this could be ?
  8. C

    Weed leaves facing down and turning yellow HELP

    Hey can anybody help with this what is this a sign of, new grower please help using fox farm ocean forest soil with perlite not sure why the are facing down