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  1. sparkyjay09

    Hey guys! A little help please!

    the stem on the LR has turned brown, is this normal? and will cutting off the dead leaf on the LA cause any majour damage? the 2 1st inner leaves are still growing
  2. sparkyjay09

    1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

    hey, was just wundering if any1 would take a look at my grow log to give sum advice, im 6 days since planting and worried!
  3. sparkyjay09

    Hey guys! A little help please!

    P.s, the last pic in the collection is on day 6 from planting
  4. sparkyjay09

    Hey guys! A little help please!

    hey ya'll, so ill start first by saying thanx for taking the time to read this, secondly ill say im a total newbie to this so any critisism would be very helpfull!:lol: so my current position is i have 1 x LR2 & 1 x LA confidential (feminised) confined within my homemade grow box. the grow box...