Search results

  1. R

    Anyone from Japan here?

    Well, I'm conducting interviews, not travelling to the area myself. I want to do an interview with someone from there, for my magazine. Due to RIU policy I won't name the magazine at question (advertising possibly?) but I would like to do a spread on the culture of marijuana outside the US. I...
  2. R

    Anyone from Japan here?

    Wanting to learn about the marijuana culture in Japan. If anyone from the area could PM me, I'd be interested to discuss some things. Thanks. Oh yeah, I've heard of a user named JapanFreak, know nothing of him, just heard the name come up in my time of being on RIU, I prefer this user doesn't...
  3. R


    You have to understand 95 percent of the time people are going to side with the troll as pony has. Not because the troll is necessarily right, but because they don't bother to look into the history of the events leading up to what is currently going on now. I can see where if you are in fact...
  4. R

    Biggest Celebrity Douchebag Of The Year Award

    I've been saying the same thing my whole life, I don't believe in addiction, not even with heroine, meth. You can stop yourself whenever you want, you just choose not too. That is the harsh reality of it.
  5. R

    Biggest Celebrity Douchebag Of The Year Award

    When it comes to marijuana, I feel Eric Roberts is the biggest celebrity douchebag of the year. This dude goes on Celebrity Rehab (Which should be X-Celebrity Rehab) or (Almost-Celebrity Rehab) for MEDICAL MARIJUANA ADDICTION! Are you kidding? Was this a ploy to get money, recognition, or hurt...
  6. R

    How Many Of You Are From Out Of The States?

    From where if you don't mind my asking? PM me... or vise-versa.
  7. R

    How Many Of You Are From Out Of The States?

    I never said PART of, I said OUTSIDE of & technically, Canada is OUTSIDE the U.S. :-P
  8. R

    How Many Of You Are From Out Of The States?

    I don't care about Canada, Canadians are fucking idiots. Lol... just kidding. That's cool, because Canada/Japan were the two I was looking to hear from most. Sweet... hope you don't mind my contacting you.
  9. R

    Marijuana Movies!

    Bookmarking this thread, some of these I have yet to see, or hear about. Good finds.
  10. R

    How Many Of You Are From Out Of The States?

    Curious to know how many of you are from another country other then the United States? Would like to know more about the cannabis culture in those areas, so I may drop you a PM.
  11. R

    Girls, i need to ask a question

    The kinda dude that asks what kinda dude a chick would date/bang/screw/blow/whatever... on a message-board, lol. Seriously.
  12. R

    Your favourite "high"

    No way! I read the whole thing & I enjoyed it!
  13. R

    Your favourite "high"

    There's only one answer to this question for me & it's a high that can never be matched, duplicated, or gone through again. My first marijuana high. - The best high. I have tried cocaine straight, oxy, many different pills, cocaine blunts, straight grapes, shrooms, salvia, & everything in...
  14. R

    Is Jesus Christ The Biggest Con-Artist Ever?

    I'm forwarding your responses to one of our writers who is covering a story on this this month. Share more insight.
  15. R

    Salvia or Shrooms - Which is crazier? My salvia story

    Omg, I can only imagine how that must of been, as a 1-time user of salvia, I pretty much know what you went through!
  16. R

    Salvia or Shrooms - Which is crazier? My salvia story

    I wonder if you smoked it wrong, I hear there is only certain ways you can inhale it & if it's not done properly it will have no effect. Or it could of just been the weakest salvia they have,which I hear is just a light headed feel. Who knows, maybe your superman? Lol.
  17. R

    Is Jesus Christ The Biggest Con-Artist Ever?

    AGREED! Lol. Really. Virgin Mary? She was probably scared to say she had sex with someone, wasn't allowed by her parents, wasn't ready for what her friends would say about her, didn't want to be the town whore for not being in a relationship, or she slept with someone of high level that would be...
  18. R

    Most paranoid experience when high?

    I like this story a lot. When I first started reading it, I thought you were going to go into a Jason type of killer paranoia in the woods camping. Very funny!
  19. R

    Salvia or Shrooms - Which is crazier? My salvia story

    I have tried both, as Shrooms lasts longer, I still believe Salvia is crazier. Shrooms for me the different times I used them, gave me a body-high & not much of a visual high, it was more mental. I did think that ants were crawling up my arms, but I do not remember visually seeing ants, thus...
  20. R

    Is Jesus Christ The Biggest Con-Artist Ever?

    I'm trying damnit! Lol. Very hard too explain - I wasn't even sure if I did in the response to you. Glad you got it... sorry for the analogy it was all I could think of at the time lol.