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  1. R

    Most paranoid experience when high?

    I feel you... I've done this one to many times. Not your exact experience of course lol, but similar.
  2. R

    Is it more crazy to believe aliens don't exist then do?

    Contact at [email protected] - we can set something up for you tomorrow, unless your online now?
  3. R

    Is it more crazy to believe aliens don't exist then do?

    Contact me, I'll forward your writing to the president of the co. & we will go from there. I think that you have a real unique style of writing & after all my job is to find writers & I have found myself straying from that objective & if my boss finds out I been posting silly-threads about...
  4. R

    Mortal Kombat Rebirth (2010) 7mins wtf

    Lol, that is not a real trailer nor movie being made. It was a project & it will never happen. Now, I'm not saying the movie will never be remade, but those characters, those stars in the movie, will not reappear in the trailer you watched. Sorry, I am a movie-buff... I saw this trailer as well...
  5. R

    Is Jesus Christ The Biggest Con-Artist Ever?

    Exactly... your going by the Jesus Christ in the bible, I'm not. I'm going by the Jesus Christ that created the bible for fame, which in whole is a completely different person. it would be like you writing a book stating - you are gay. Yet, in reality, your straight... then someone comes along &...
  6. R

    Heres a conspirecy theory for yah..........

    Also note: As there is medical purposes for marijuana, I am not saying there isn't... the medical purposes aren't enough to keep so many people alive as the thread-starter is thinking to increase population so much that it would become a problem. That is more of what I am trying to say. Even if...
  7. R

    Heres a conspirecy theory for yah..........

    Your examining the situation from a perspective that is to broad to narrow. Yes, marijuana can do this & that for blood pressure & tumors, etc. But what can't help you & what can't hurt you these days? It's a matter of choice. Sure, marijuana can lower ones blood pressure, thus "prolonging"...
  8. R

    Is it more crazy to believe aliens don't exist then do?

    Amazing read! Thank you... I loved it.
  9. R

    Is it more crazy to believe aliens don't exist then do?

    Do me a favor... contact me if your interested in writing an article for our magazine on Buddhism this coming month. We want to do a religion section, a different religion every month & since I don't think anyone in our office follows Buddhism, & you seem well knowledged, I'd like to ask you to...
  10. R

    Most paranoid experience when high?

    I have found a lot of people get paranoid high, so... do you guys have any stories of when you were paranoid & once you sobered up you kind of thought, "Wow, that was a stupid thing to be paranoid about..."? Just curious to hear some stories.
  11. R

    Is Jesus Christ The Biggest Con-Artist Ever?

    No I haven't actually, is it interesting? I love to read up & study on religion(s) because there are so many & they all make sense for they're own reasons. I try to believe the scariest one because usually the truth hurts or scares you. Lol. I know Buddhism is widely known, just never figured it...
  12. R

    Is it more crazy to believe aliens don't exist then do?

    I already started a topic on religion & got everyone heated up, now it's aliens turns! Lol. The universe expands for infinity, so wouldn't you say it's crazier to believe we are the only ones in the entire universe then to say we are not alone? I think people who say aliens don't exist & your...
  13. R

    Is Jesus Christ The Biggest Con-Artist Ever?

    PS: I have seen far greater evidence of Egyptians religious beliefs that make far more sense then the bible. So if anything... I would say I believe in Egyptians words before the Bibles.
  14. R

    Is Jesus Christ The Biggest Con-Artist Ever?

    This is why it's a "theory" nobody knows where the bible came from, who wrote it, or if it's true. Nobody, I don't care where you get your info. nobody knows, it was far to long ago for anyone to know, & no amount of science can say for a 100% fact they know who wrote it, if its real, & where it...
  15. R

    Is Jesus Christ The Biggest Con-Artist Ever?

    Thank you, I don't actually work on the magazine, I'm the publicist lol. So the credit would have to go to the ones who actually put it together & they will hear your positive reviews trust me! There was an error between pages 23-24, that has since been fixed, there is suppose to be 25 pages. So...
  16. R

    Is Jesus Christ The Biggest Con-Artist Ever?

    Agreed on that last statement. But, the concept of a theory is a subject that cannot be proven for a fact. As in the Bibles case, it cannot be proven as a fact as to who wrote it, if it's writings are real, etc. because nobody was alive then & any amount of science cannot tell you for a 100%...
  17. R

    Is Jesus Christ The Biggest Con-Artist Ever?

    Interesting... As for him being richer then the richest man by 100-million, other then the fact it is a expression of disbelief to add the effect that his riches would be enormous, 2.5 billion bibles have sold America alone, at an average cost of $8.60 per-bible. So, $8.60 x 2.5 billion in the...
  18. R

    Is Jesus Christ The Biggest Con-Artist Ever?

    Let's analyze this bizarre theory. The Bible, it represents 1 in 750-million identifiable religions in the world. But of those 750-million, which one is most notable amongst the general population? The Bible's words. Whether you reside in America, Canada, Europe, France, Etc. you have heard of...
  19. R

    Heres a conspirecy theory for yah..........

    Marijuana does not expand ones life. There is no evidence that it subtracts time from ones life either, but that does not mean it prolongs it. It simply mean it does not subtract your time on Earth. So, the theory already has minor errors within, as cannabis can be used for a medical purpose...
  20. R

    The highest you've ever been

    First time that I got high was like the 5th or 6th time I smoked and I felt like I was in a video game and everyone that was talking sounded like they were a narrator. There's no high like your 1st high.