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  1. J

    Good soil

    The first pic is 6 weeks flowering and the 2nd pic is 4 weeks flowering. What u guys think?
  2. J

    Good soil

  3. J

    Good soil

  4. J

    Good soil

    Here are some pics of my 5 foot sativa
  5. J

    Good soil

    I'll try that light warrior I've got big hopes for my new crop I don't smoke the fruits of this great plant but if my super silver comes out the way I want I'm gonna have no choice but to in joy my crop. Thanks for the info its been helpful. As u can tell I'm new to growing and have done tuns of...
  6. J

    Good soil

    Thanks for all the feed back didn't mean to start a war but nun the less I really don't know shit about growing. I've been doing a lot of research on what to do and what not to but all I get is one thing works for one and not the other so to cap on the ffof and mg I'm just gonna go half coco and...
  7. J

    Good soil

    Hey tomascat do u plant seeds straight in ffof or wait tell u repot it. I've heard about it burning the seedling and I've got this silver haze and I want the best for this plant and as much advice as possible
  8. J

    Good soil

    So if everyone is using miracle gro here how is that working out for yall . I've got 2 sativa plants in m.g and my plants look like shit
  9. J

    Good soil

    I just got some fox farm ocean forest anyone ever use it
  10. J

    First time grower

    Ku Ku thanks for the info I'm gonna go check out that fox farm now. As for lights I've got 2 26 watt CLF and 2 fluorescent going any advice on those.
  11. J

    First time grower

    So I got to sativa plants from a friend and are doing great but there not bushy and the stock is thin. I just ordered some super silver haze seeds and need to know what is the best cheep soil to use. I'm using miracle gro for the sativas and its working but I've heard bad things about using it...