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  1. N

    ONLY Jack's all purpose in Fox Farm soil?

    Basically my first grow didn't end well cause as soon as it started flowering my Nitrogen dropped off like no other (really bad yellow leaves) so i decided to nip that in the butt and get 20-20-20 Jack's all purpose for veg and flowering?(since i'm in Fox Farm i'll probably hold off on the nutes...
  2. N

    ONLY Jack's all purpose in Fox Farm soil?

    Basically my first grow didn't end well cause as soon as it started flowering my Nitrogen dropped off like no other (really bad yellow leaves) so i decided to nip that in the butt and get 20-20-20 Jack's all purpose for veg and flowering?(since i'm in Fox Farm i'll probably hold off on the nutes...
  3. N

    exhausting and i still have 88 temps

    thats wat i was thinking..have a cool tube effect except without the cool tube : / just pointed another fan up at the light so i'ma c wat that does first. and i'll let u know what my temp drops when i move my exhaust. thanks for the input guys
  4. N

    exhausting and i still have 88 temps

    i could make a whole in the left side of my closet and exhaust or intake air from my living room closet but i wasn't trying to tear things up to much, so far i have gotten away with drilling at most 4 holes and thats in the side of my door. maybe i could reposition my exhaust fan to get a better...
  5. N

    exhausting and i still have 88 temps

    don't know y my phone can't take a good picture..atleast have it facing the right way up. makes me want to throw it across the room but u get the idea of wat i'm working with. o cool u can click on the pic and it gets bigger.
  6. N

    exhausting and i still have 88 temps

    the ongoing battle of temp sigh. 88 sure is alot better than 96 lol but i still should be seeing better i'd think. 4x2 closet grow. i didn't feel like tearing up my door so i bought dry wall and did my own thing (should c wat i did in my pics). 600w light turned down to 450 (not the slightest...
  7. N

    is it possible to have a nitrogen deficiency using 3-12-6 dyna gro bloom?

    found some 13-4-5 food spikes under the sink lol? i'm guessing nobody recommends food spikes but what do you guys think about the numbers? its hi in nitrogen :D
  8. N

    is it possible to have a nitrogen deficiency using 3-12-6 dyna gro bloom?

    and stanly no not until i threw it on 12/12 and i did that two weeks ago without anything being fed to him previously. i started him out real lean, i think i used 1/8 tsp in a gallon or maybe half a gallon and then a few days ago i mixed up 1/4 tsp a gallon and still no sign of improvement. i've...
  9. N

    is it possible to have a nitrogen deficiency using 3-12-6 dyna gro bloom?

    well dang if u grew that bad boy i'm buying jack's too lol. but damn guess i got fooled...i vegged for barely 3 weeks and went into flowering so figured i'd better start feeding him and i heard bloom was alright as soon as u switched 12/12 so thats wat i went with. may hook the fella up with a...
  10. N

    would just air conditioning work?

    lol it prolly is but oops didn't catch that :P
  11. N

    would just air conditioning work?

    thanks for the suggestions guys. if it was legal i'd be doin it but the paranoia won't let me carry on lol cultivation carries quite the charge and i think ppl would hear the exhaust fan. i have a job and an oz sittin behind me hyde.
  12. N

    would just air conditioning work?

    ahh this is depressing..don't rly want to kill him but putting a tent with ventilation stuff all around it in my garage seems a little sketchy. have the money for it just think its a little much. may get some cfls and try that or like u guys said, take a few steps back and start over when i have...
  13. N

    would just air conditioning work?

    i just had the door open with a box fan blowing in air and another one inside osculating but i can't rly keep it like that
  14. N

    would just air conditioning work?

    600 watt hps that i just turned down to 50% power and its also raised a good 2 ft right now cuz i'm trying to keep down the temps. thinkin bout maybe just buying a 2nd fan.
  15. N

    would just air conditioning work?

    4x4ish closet and no i can't really vent it. i could vent it under my door through straws lol which is about where i'm at with it.
  16. N

    would just air conditioning work?

    so basically my plant is living in a desert at 96 degrees. he looks pretty pitiful/droopy yet still green. would a portable air conditioner do the deed? i'm not able to ventilate my grow area. only open the door a few times a day.
  17. N

    yellowing leaves bottom up and top leaves are curling upward

    using dyna-gro bloom and i've fed him a few times at low dosages..checked the ph yesturday and its at about 7.2 so i guess that could be contributing a little bit but more importantly i also bought a temp gauge yesturday and it was at 96 degrees lol. i only have a fan at the moment with no...
  18. N

    yellowing from the bottom up and top leaves are curling upward

    lol it hurts but advice taken. didn't want to waste it..waiting for the return on my broken mh and then buying a tent or maybe just giving hi to decide at the moment.
  19. N

    yellowing leaves bottom up and top leaves are curling upward
