yellowing leaves bottom up and top leaves are curling upward


Well-Known Member
I think your light may need raised.

When you water do it completly.

Have you fed it yet?

if so what and when?

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
It would really help to see a pic without the lights on
Dr. Jekyll

Might help to provide a bit of info so we don't have to make a wild guess but as such, it looks like that baby is under a 1000 watt HPS, hope it's nice and close to keep it good and warm
Mr. Hyde


New Member
using dyna-gro bloom and i've fed him a few times at low dosages..checked the ph yesturday and its at about 7.2 so i guess that could be contributing a little bit but more importantly i also bought a temp gauge yesturday and it was at 96 degrees lol. i only have a fan at the moment with no ventilation because i can't cut holes in my walls. i have the money for a tent/ventilation but i dont' think i have the balls to throw a transformer lookin tent in my garage. i live in a duplex so i'm afraid of them hearing the fans etc etc...dont' rly know wat to do anymore..i dove head first into this without reading up. my options as i c it are 1. buy a portable air conditioner and leave my door cracked (which will probably end up not working and me wasting more money) or 2. grow the balls and turn my garage into a weed factory. or 3. make a cannabis salad and call it quits