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  1. Aloha9808

    Direct Sunlight for Seeds.

    Obviously my seeds are covered with Ocean Forest Soil. But there in direct sunlight with 13 UV (tropics). Will the seeds still pop?
  2. Aloha9808

    River Water/ Live Soil. (Living Water?)

    It is then: Computer Science. :weed:
  3. Aloha9808

    River Water/ Live Soil. (Living Water?)

    That's sick. I had American Bulldogs and I think the strain of Dog came from Oklahoma. That's a little off topic. Think we just might experiment with the river (with a few starters). The river water fluctuates in quality.
  4. Aloha9808

    River Water/ Live Soil. (Living Water?)

    Great point. Plus I think we have flesh eating bacteria. Oahus gettos are notorious for polluted water. People pollute.
  5. Aloha9808

    River Water/ Live Soil. (Living Water?)

    Epic, we're going living Soil and living Water.
  6. Aloha9808

    River Water/ Live Soil. (Living Water?)

    Good to know I have more faith in Tap. But think I'll just fill reverse osmosis 20 gallon tank. But how long can water in Sun UV radiation- Last!?
  7. Aloha9808

    Compost Tea recipes.

    (Sustainability). I just use Organics they tend to have sustainability certifications and same goes with marketplace meats. I hope that will be enough to save Animals and Eco systems. The point being: After learning how to grow on forums. I only eat Organic. And Take all Organics...
  8. Aloha9808

    Compost Tea recipes.

    (Sustainability) I just use Organics.
  9. Aloha9808

    Compost Tea recipes.

    I'm just going to experiment . But would river water be a problem? A tropical river with houses up stream and marine plant life?
  10. Aloha9808

    River Water/ Live Soil. (Living Water?)

    Using river water ok with Ocean Forest? It's tropical and not contaminated. Looking at the quality I'm sure it's considered a living solution to tap water. I was told Living Soil can balance PH. I wouldn't bet that with Tap tho.
  11. Aloha9808

    Compost Tea recipes.

    What are the recipes for Compost Tea these days? I'm using fresh: Creek Water. Ocean Forest Soil. Looking for advice on Compost Tea Recipes...