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  1. I

    Need help confirming sex

    That's a great photo to help for my next grow! Thanks
  2. I

    Need help confirming sex

    Yeah bummer! Thanks It's a resounding vote by the sounds of it Good to know for next time!
  3. I

    Need confirmation on sex

    Bummer. I was thinking because they are long and pointed and not actual "ball" shaped or like a "clubs" and more "spades" like that they'd be female.. :( Bummer i guess. Seedstock it is. They grew great.
  4. I

    Need help confirming sex

    Cheers for that. I might use them for seed. They grew great
  5. I

    Need confirmation on sex

    Hi all This is my first post on anything like this before. If it is in the wrong area of the site please inform where to repost. Cheers. Third grow, first was auto, second was feminised, this was bagseed. Info I have only two suspected females in my tent. I'm at a really crucial point...
  6. I

    Need help confirming sex

    Hi all This is my first post on anything like this before. If it is in the wrong area of the site please inform where to repost. Cheers. Info I have only two suspected females in my tent. I'm at a really crucial point because the flowers look quite developed and look about to be popping open...