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  1. UpNSmoke420

    Full spectrum flood light?

    Would a full spectrum flood light work......? Lol
  2. UpNSmoke420

    Full spectrum flood light?

    Would it work?
  3. UpNSmoke420

    Quick simple grow box question

    I'm jut tryna get me some personal buds lol,
  4. UpNSmoke420

    Quick simple grow box question

    Thanks for this info too
  5. UpNSmoke420

    Quick simple grow box question

    Alrite n I checked my soft white their the 2700k so only difference would be in the shape n size rite? The buds should be the same
  6. UpNSmoke420

    After life

    Was life cold and cruel when you were 5 years old? No so what the hell happened? You grew up and saw how people can really be like, just out to get there own and take what they don't need.
  7. UpNSmoke420

    After life

    Life is what you make it!
  8. UpNSmoke420

    After life

    No the people make it cold and cruel, just look around there are some beautiful sights out there this world is lovely. The ignorant ass people who think the world revolves around them are whats fuckin it up
  9. UpNSmoke420

    Quick simple grow box question

    So are they no good? Or what
  10. UpNSmoke420

    Quick simple grow box question

    My daylights are 5000k, but iv read on multiple websites sayin you can use daylight for veg n soft white for flower
  11. UpNSmoke420

    Quick simple grow box question

    Flowering. Not vegging lol
  12. UpNSmoke420

    Quick simple grow box question

    Well don't you need the soft white or whatever too for the vegging cause I already got those im just not using them yet
  13. UpNSmoke420

    Quick simple grow box question

    Day light ones right?
  14. UpNSmoke420

    Quick simple grow box question

    Well the ones already showin pistils, should I go head n do that? N tanks for the quick reply
  15. UpNSmoke420

    Quick simple grow box question

    Would 92 watts of cfl be ok for my grow box? It's 2 feet by 1.5 and 1.5 feet tall. (give or take) and I got it lined with foil all over. There is 2 seedlings less than a week old and a 4 in one that's starting to show signs of preflower. What do you think? I kno more light won't hurt but would...
  16. UpNSmoke420

    Starting to flower at 4 inches?????

    Alrite n btw they have been on 24 hour
  17. UpNSmoke420

    Starting to flower at 4 inches?????

    Would 92 watts of cfl be ok for my grow box? It's 2 feet by 1.5 and 1.5 feet tall. (give or take) and I got it lined with foil all over. There is 2 seedlings less than a week old and a 4 in one that's starting to show signs of preflower. What do you think? I kno more light won't hurt but would...
  18. UpNSmoke420

    Starting to flower at 4 inches?????

    ^ lmao! Funny shit ^
  19. UpNSmoke420

    Starting to flower at 4 inches?????

    Like I sed I don't kno the strain n I forgot to mention after I sed that I screwed it up with the lighting but they're a lil over a month. But what's ruderalis dominate? Sorry ima nube lol
  20. UpNSmoke420

    Starting to flower at 4 inches?????

    Good info thank you and good luck to you on your grow too