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  1. Tryin2bud

    Seedlings dying

    You need a stronger light and no nutes for the first two weeks of their life and after about three weeks and it establishes a root system and probably start them in solo cups not the little boxes you're using lol
  2. Tryin2bud

    Trying again!

    I have a 2' x 2' and 55'' high Eaglepeak grow tent I have the 900w phlizon LED, and I am using a 4" inline fan with no carbon filter at the moment.
  3. Tryin2bud

    Trying again!

    Lmao "stocked up enough cash" I meant sorry about that
  4. Tryin2bud

    Trying again!

    After being out of the game for a bit I finally stocked up enpugh cash and got my set up going again. I just order some auto + feminized big bang seeds which should be here within a month. But as of right now I'm growing about 6 to give away to some friends just to get everything ready and tight...
  5. Tryin2bud

    Top of plant is healthy the bottom leaves seem to be dying HELP!?!?

    To me it looks like over watering and to much nutes. When you water, lift up the soil container if it's super light add water, if it's heavy, don't. And if you are using nudes you wanna alternate between ph'd water, and nutes and make sure you fallow the ppm on the bottle.
  6. Tryin2bud

    Top of plant is healthy the bottom leaves seem to be dying HELP!?!?

    It's never below 65 and it's never above 80
  7. Tryin2bud

    Top of plant is healthy the bottom leaves seem to be dying HELP!?!?

    These are both plants as of today 11:47 a.m. April 3rd
  8. Tryin2bud

    Top of plant is healthy the bottom leaves seem to be dying HELP!?!?

    What's up guys, this is more less my first intermediate grow, I finally have nutes, suitable airflow, and proper amount of dirt and ph'd water, I'll post some pics I just want to know if what I'm doing is good. As well as an update on my babies in veg right now. (Yes the larger one is flowering...