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  1. K

    3 Femd Lemon Skunks I Need Expert Help

    Also i was wondering would it even be worth it to still flush them? I haven't done so yet but they're showing signs of new healthy growth everyday, besides the drooping fact. And it only really seems to be the 3 week old lemon skunks drooping my 4 week old bagseed plants seem to be ok besides...
  2. K

    3 Femd Lemon Skunks I Need Expert Help

    thanks for the info that helps alot, i wasnt aware that flushing wouldn't stress them out much. The issue right now isn't so much the nute burn but the fact that my babies are drooping really bad. They are about 16" i'd say from the light and the temps in my cab have been between 24 and 26 all...
  3. K

    3 Femd Lemon Skunks I Need Expert Help

    well all of the leaves were yellow and brown completely crusty and burnt plus he told me he gave them way more nutes then i ever did, and he gave nutes to my plants that were like a week and a half old. I'll try and get some pics up later i moved them another couple inches from the light and...
  4. K

    3 Femd Lemon Skunks I Need Expert Help

    So i planted 3 lemon skunk seeds about 3 weeks ago, i had them under cfls for a week or so then moved them into my growroom with a 250w mh. A friend was taking care of them while i was out of town and gave them nutes at about 2 weeks old and burned them a bit, but ive been giving them straight...
  5. K

    seed question, help!

    yea thanks for the help, its not like i haven't done this before i'm just used to clones. Also i've never used soilless mixes
  6. K

    seed question, help!

    So I recently purchased some beans, germinated them in a cup of water and planted them in sunshine mix 4. Now i've been told to put saran wrap over my small cups to hold in the moisture and water the cup thoroughly before planting the seed in it. I did this and none of my seeds even popped out...