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  1. G

    4x4 tray, how many plants.

    will to much water stunt there growth? i have some young ones that havent grown an inch. there roots are growing though...
  2. G

    please answer

    are you fuckin with me or there a real thing called panda, sounds like "go look for a box of grid sqares". but thanks ill check it out.
  3. G

    4x4 tray, how many plants.

    thank you very much, your the first one to answer that question for me. what about when your roots start to come out the bottom of your pots and theres no water, just the light? is that bad?
  4. G

    4x4 tray, how many plants.

    over a 4x4? what do you mean? and i still havent got a an answer on a good feeding schedule and if 15m every 30m was to much. i do that just to avoid the roots drying out. if its not needed please let me know..thanks to everyone thats helped me so far. +respect
  5. G

    please answer

    drain and fill system with hydroton for my medium. 4x4 tray, 40g res , 600w hps light.
  6. G

    4x4 tray, how many plants.

    i have a 4x4 tray drain and fill system goin with a 600w hps light above the table. how many plants can i grow at one time?
  7. G

    please answer

    if your on a 30m fill 6 times in a 24hr period. how do you keep your roots that are bare/exposed to the light from drying out. if i can get a definant answer to this ill be ready, unless someone has a better fill schedule. i know these are stupid questions to most of you but i cant find the...
  8. G

    feeding schedule

    i was wondering what a good feeding schedule is for my plants, ill have either 5 or 6 plants in a 4x4 tray, 40g res and i set the drain for about 2.75 inches. and is it bad that i set it for the 15m fill every 30m just keep the roots wet? if not what are some ways i can prevent the roots from...
  9. G

    hydro question "pump size"

    and how high up my pots does the water lvl need to get to before shutting off, right now its about half way up.
  10. G

    hydro question "pump size"

    i tried the bigger fill house and still it does not fill properly. Should i get a bigger pump? im using a 400gph pump for a 4x4 tray, and a 40g res. and whats a good feeding schedule for them also how would i prevent root burn when they start comin out the bottom of my pots. there sittin there...
  11. G

    new hydro system

    Im usin a 4x4 ft tray, 40 gallon res, 400gph pump, not sure if its adjustable as far as power goes, ill check on that. but it takes the water lvl the full 45m to reach right above the 3 inch marker on my tray, i also have it set for 15m every 30m to prevent root not understanding how...
  12. G

    new hydro system

    im using hydroton clay pellets, and "rapid rooter" plant starters. with the 30m limit on watering, the water lvl barely reaches where the root system will start, if i increase it to 45m it goes a little higher, "not much", but at least the roots will be soaked for a little while longer each...
  13. G

    new hydro system

    iwas wondering how often i should set the timer to fill the tub, im using the drain and fill system and as it is now, it takes it the whole 3o minutes to fill up to the half way mark. should i set it to 45 min every 4hr instead of 30m every 3hr? ive got two plants that are getting ready to be...
  14. G

    yellowing of fan leaves.

    ive got three plants nearing the end of flowering. they got thirsty once and now all there fan leaves are turning yellow. they have all come back up but yellowing of the leaves still continues. please help....thanks
  15. G

    do yall think these are ready???

    not right now, i have 2 hps 250w bulbs but i cant find a ballist anywhere around that fits em, there the mogul base or whatever you call it. i know you can order them off line but i cant if you know what i mean... thanks though.
  16. G

    do yall think these are ready???

    thanks for the advice everyone, ill wait another week at least on the big one, and yeah probaly another month on the plants behind the good one. its just been a long ass process. i started the plants back in august. i know this is the wrong forum but what can i do or what is most important for...
  17. G

    do yall think these are ready???

    i apoligize in advance im just getting impatient. these are the best pics i can get, they still dont do her justice. the trichs look milky to me right now, but her whaite hairs arent all orange, a matter of fact there actually kinda pinkish, but anyway do you think im good to harvest it...
  18. G

    what do yall think so far??

    this is my first gro, just wanderin what yall thought of this think it has potential??
  19. G

    When to harvest?

    ive got a few plants all at diffrent stages of maturity, one of em has alot of nice size healthy buds, when will i know when its ready to be cut? ive squeezed the bud a little bit and my fingers damn near stuck together.
  20. G

    just excited and had to tell somebody

    hey after all the bull shit gettin set up, figurein out what works what doesent i finally have a plant thats budding. it was almost instantanious..put em on 12 and 12 with a timer!! not doin it manualy, which doesnt work so well i found out.. but its beautiful, white hairs stickin out...