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  1. G

    drooping and yellowing fan this time...

    i spray it because the only stuff i have are liquid any way. i just put it in with water. judgeing from the pics i got up, do you think i would be better off makin clones with the three tall ones.
  2. G

    yellowing leaves

    heres some pics of my problem, underwatered once and two have not recoperated yet. what should i do? lights=2x40w aqua plant floros, 1x120w gro-bulb, 3x100w cfls.
  3. G

    one more question. " leaves burned"

    one of the gro-lights slipped a little and burned what was a good looking young plant, it looks like ther are burns on three tiers, will the whole leave die, do i need to try to trim the brown off, please help before i do somthin stupid, thanks again
  4. G

    drooping and yellowing fan this time...

    ive asked for help with this problem before but was unable to correct it. the leaves are drooping and their turning yellow, how would i correct it and will the leaves turn green again? i know i stretched the hell out of em, kinda makes em look worse, a few of the lower fan leaves i had to cut...
  5. G

    light bulb question....

    so what would i do, the one im flowering is 21inches tall, and i read cfls only radiate 3 inches. i also have 1-120w gro bulb, i put it in there to keep the temp up a little, i have 2 more of just the gro-bulbs. but i already have a burn victim and theres no way those things are gunna sit 1-2...
  6. G

    light bulb question....

    i ve got ur basic lowes/walmart/stoned creativity grow room setup. Ive got aquatic plant aquarium light x2 bulbs over my biggest three. 1-2 inches above top of plants, and i got 100w equivilant floros directly over the other three. my question is about the bulbs i bought. they had 100w in real...
  7. G

    drooping problem....still

    hey thanks, now that u said somthin it kinda makes sense. kinda like the human body when it gets cold. im on a realy tight budget. and the only nutes i have are some store bought nitro, phosph, and super thrive from lowes. i know i know, dont judge me...haha. i ran out of soil test shit and i...
  8. G

    drooping problem....still

    ive got 3 plants now that are drooping realy bad and yellowing of the lower fan leaves, pretty sure it started when there feeding time was delayed, "a couple hours". one of em came back almost immediatly, the other two are still bein lazy bastards and wont stand up, any suggestions, please help...
  9. G

    what exactly does a good, healthy plant look like?

    thanks for yalls advice, but judging from that pic ive already stretched my seedling, probaly 4-5 inches bettween soil and first tier.
  10. G

    what exactly does a good, healthy plant look like?

    i addmitt my plants are a little stretched, but im hopin in the long run it leaves room for more, "first gro". ive seen pics of other peoples work, and they all look great, some short and stubby but lots of veg and some alot taller with what looks like to me good veg, but i dont...
  11. G

    adjusting soil ph....

    so how do i adjust the ph in water, i heard boiling it works but if anything it raised the ph. and i ran out of test strips finding that
  12. G

    adjusting soil ph....

    super thrive, and alaska brand fish fert, thats all i can get my hands on right now, both are liquid, and i have a some organic phosphurus supplement, "mirical-gro" not real sure what to do with that though, its more of a powder..
  13. G

    adjusting soil ph....

    i was wondering if anybody had some suggestions on how to adjust ph levels in soil, ive got yellowing of the base leaves and there curling down "drooping", im hopin its the ph.
  14. G

    budding question?

    so far ive got that your supposed to change the lighting to 12 and 12. now is that 12hrs in the light that they've been having and 12hrs total darkness or what. please be more specific. ive got one i want to start budding as soon as im comortable that im not gunna kill
  15. G

    diffrent strains?

    im growing indoors, in soil, with 24/7 light right now, "4-120w gro-bulbs, 2 aqulife floros, i try to keep them as close to the floro light as possiable, three are 2in below and three are as close as i can get em on the sides. mirical gro soil, when i water i put in a shot of siper thrive, no i...
  16. G

    diffrent strains?

    i was wondering if anybody knew if diffrent strains take longer to bud? ive got three plants about 1 and half to 2 months old and i dont think there close to being able to bud. ill get some pics up but for now i was just wondering if anybody knew for a fact if times differ for diffrent...
  17. G

    over watered....

    i accidently let my plants get to thirsty and they started to droop, kinda a little kid pitchin a fit, lol... but i watered em, two of em came back from it within an hour, but i still got one thats not, any suggestions on making her normal again, and how big does a plant hae to be before you can...
  18. G

    better pics than the ones on my last post. "better pics...please help"

    i messed around with it long enough and think i was able make the quality of the pics better than last time, my concern is the brown spots, the lower leaves turnin yellow, and the very tips of some look dead..thanks in advance.
  19. G

    finaly pics...please help

    but wouldnt the gro bulbs burn the plant that close? i used to just basically keep the top soil wet as far as watering goes, then i read on here to feel em when there dry and the feel em when there watered, and now i only water em "good" once a day, sometimes through out day ill mist the top...
  20. G

    finaly pics...please help

    realy, i was just told to pull em off, ive got 4 150w gro-bulbs just out of do i lower them? and how close? and is stretching bad? sorry so many questions but this is my first gro they look bad ass to me already and i dont want to do somthin stupid and kill em, appreiciate your help..