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  1. chronicvanisland

    open show an tell 19

    Steadily, secondary branches are filling in, noticing the bottoms of the branches shoot up faster to race the others to the top once branch is trained down
  2. chronicvanisland

    Outdoor camouflage

    Almost sounds like your better off buying from a dealer that grows for cheap or take a chance.
  3. chronicvanisland

    Outdoor camouflage

    Realize it will release an odor that could travel to your neighboors in 1 second.
  4. chronicvanisland

    Outdoor camouflage

    Ita difficult to answer your question but basically realize the problem is being seen and you want it not visible, so the solution is move it, build some sort of wall with a fence or bamboo mats or shade cloth or deer fence, can you tell us if you have and how tall your fence is?
  5. chronicvanisland

    Outdoor camouflage

    Once it flowers, it may double its height so plan for that
  6. chronicvanisland

    Outdoor camouflage

    Pics? And bad idea unless they will get stolen with no other options. Poor airflow and minimal light doing that. Pics?
  7. chronicvanisland

    Help me out plzzz. Tell me if male or female.

    No signs of pistils and seems to look like male pollen sacs
  8. chronicvanisland

    1 Month or so into shiny spots on leaves & red stems on lower branches

    On mine too right now, google spider poo and look at description.
  9. chronicvanisland

    1 Month or so into shiny spots on leaves & red stems on lower branches

    Im very sure it, looks wierd but its there urine and poo mixed creating this oily concauction.
  10. chronicvanisland

    Havin a nightmare any ideas

    Try 1 teaspoon hydrogen peroxide mixed in half a cup of water, i usually double the batch in a spray bottle and works well, spray the entire plant focusing on new growth and the under side of the leaves. Thats where most mites and bugs will be. Hydrogen peroxide is just H2 02 which is water with...
  11. chronicvanisland

    Help! Stalk split!!!!

    Thicker garden twine will work great. Just have it tied above a branch on both ends and it wont slip down
  12. chronicvanisland

    Deficiency ??

    I suggest using less nitrogen next feed or same shit will happen
  13. chronicvanisland

    Vancouver Island Cannabis

    Vancouver Island Cannabis
  14. chronicvanisland

    Deficiency ??

    Looks cool but too high of nitrogen. Add 25% less and try that, maybe hold off on nitrogen for a few days or a week and let it use it up too
  15. chronicvanisland

    Defoliating regularly vs. When too thick

    How do you guys defoliate for yield?
  16. chronicvanisland

    Deficiency ??

    You need to defoliate as well, they look unhealthy, create more airflow and cut back on nitrogen, they are less maintenance then that
  17. chronicvanisland

    Deficiency ??

    Too high ppm for nitrogen for sure, and looks underwatered
  18. chronicvanisland

    Why dont i have privledges to post

    Why dont i have privledges to post