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  1. N

    So I think I smoked crack.

    I once was convinced i was a walking corpse. I was prolly 8-9. Had nothing to do with weed though
  2. N

    Boosting the Purple!

    Got some new ideas for boosting. How about turning my water reservoir's temp up during night phase, and have the window open or colder air. Also During flowering I have a hps light 400 watts and two flourescent lights. I'm thinking about putting purple tinted plexiglass in the hood of the...
  3. N

    So I think I smoked crack.

    Weed even if it is delicious green crack only makes my head heavy not numb.
  4. N

    So I think I smoked crack.

    If you put crack through the volcano it has medicinal benefits and no physically addicting chemicals. Its true try it :)
  5. N

    So I think I smoked crack.

    It tasted a lil off like regular bud. The worst i figured was if it was hair sprayed. I've seen crack In grade eleven a dude use to pay my friend so smoke crack in his house. I saw him try to do it through a bong. It sick he took his socks off, picked the lint on the inside and smoked it.
  6. N

    So I think I smoked crack.

    yeah it was rude i deleted it.
  7. N

    So I think I smoked crack.

    First off all people let me get some things straight. It was not a roach. I smoke a lot of pot, BC Hydro I pretty much only smoke familiar strains mainly kush though. I'm pretty sure it was coco puffs from what ppl been saying. I've had salvia and this was childplay to that lol. I'm all fine if...
  8. N

    So I think I smoked crack.

    First of all in my defense. It was not a roach, it looked untouched like it fell out of a pocket. In the end I was dumb but at least give me that.
  9. N

    So I think I smoked crack.

    This is what happened to me and Yes I am stupid enough to do this. I was walking home from work and i found a joint just laying there next to the sidewalk. I checked if it was green in the middle and it was. Well that was good enough for me so i took all the weed out and rerolled it in a new...
  10. N

    Would this work to not get caught?

    If your growing over 99 plants its five year jail time no matter what.
  11. N

    come follow me on my ebb and grow excursion

    air ionizer or Carbon filter for odor? Mylar for maximum lighting. What are you using to get co2. get nutrient enhancer for flowering... :P
  12. N

    Electricity ate me out of house and home

    high pressure sodium use more power then metal halide and fluorescent so it could end up costing more.
  13. N

    human pee in water is it good?

    I wouldn't do it. Beside it being one of the most retarded things i've heard its prolly gonna make the buds taste and smell nasty.
  14. N

    Quick question please reply

    White hairs r a really good sign!
  15. N

    I hope this is a simple question

    Yeah there are some nutrient boosters that help a lot which u add in flowering stage. I think low nitrogen affects it too but don't quote me. Also has anyone ever heard of adding sugar two weeks before harvest too increase bud. I read that it makes 20-30% diff.
  16. N

    Helicopters, Indoor growing!

    They use them all the time, But for catching people who are trying to run away. Occasionally they see houses bursting with heat. However that's not enough to get a search warrant so they'll surveillance you and check for odor, maybe people buy weed from the grow house which is a horrible idea...
  17. N

    Carbonated Water?

    I was using it and it burned the tips of my leafs. made them look white. So what I did was mad an aluminum foil neck brace for my sprout (its still in rockwool). And I put mylar tape on the inside so it reflects extra light and i spray the carbonated water on the brace and evaporation gets...
  18. N

    Carbonated Water?

    Im using it right now and i don't know what to make of it just yet. I want to test the ph of the carbonated water so it matches my reservoir. but ii dont have a tester just yet.
  19. N

    Boosting the Purple!

    Thats some sick bud! I wont even touch the temp for my first batch then but i think i play with the temp on a later harvest. What do you guys think are the best purple strains? i only heard of Mendo purp Purple haze purple skunk purple star. and some kush.