So I think I smoked crack.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, don't worry about these other jokes ridin' your case. We all do some dumb shit, whether it be smokin a joint that we found on the ground, or eating some shit that we don't know how long it's been in fridge, hahahah!

I found a completely intact joint sitting under the bleachers in gym during high school one day, decided I was gonna take it home. I got home and unrolled it, only to find tobacco inside. I was pissed, I totally would have smoke it too, hahahah!

I'm pretty sure I wouldn't do that kind of stuff now though, I guess it just takes time to learn. Hence the growing thing, hahaha!


Well-Known Member
WTF smokes crack?
You vape it very carefully, or its gone... BBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDD SHIT though


Well-Known Member
This is what happened to me and Yes I am stupid enough to do this. I was walking home from work and i found a joint just laying there next to the sidewalk. I checked if it was green in the middle and it was.
Well that was good enough for me so i took all the weed out and rerolled it in a new paper. After taking the 2nd hoot my face began to turn numb and i tried to wiggle my nose but i couldnt feel it. I took more puffs and soon i didnt realize what I was doing. I started laughing uncontrollable at the joint in my hand until i realized this wasn't normal then I stood up and threw the joint away. I started pacing around until i decided I better take it as it is and i jumped into my bed and surrounded myself with my blanket.:spew:
Ya it was prolly just really good weed, and you had an anxiety attack...crack you would have seen rocks and you definitely would have tasted may not know what crack tastes like, buy you would have known first hit you werent smokin weed.


Active Member
hey man its only crack if ur out there lookin for another one, all itchy n shit. A guy at work told me the same story the other day. you did the right thing by unrollin it. High five


Well-Known Member
yea....surely not something I would do.....but then maybe I ain't being honest with myself. If I didn't grow my own, and had the supply, finding a spliff might be temping....anyhow, glad it didn't harm you irreparably. On anotehr thought maybe it was green crack....

Green Crack |

Green Crack is mostly sativa, it smells like very ripe and fresh greens, the smoke is mild and tastes of burnt greens that doesn't get you into a. - 43k - Cached - Similar pages


Well-Known Member
man anxiety attacks are baaaaaad shit man. once when i was 13 i got one so bad i thought i was gonna die. i tried to get my older brother to call an ambulance, lol, he kept saying "you're not dieing, you're just baked" thank god for cooler heads prevailing, buy ya aniety is nooooo fun. big shot of whiskey'll knock it back tho :)


Well-Known Member
I had an anxiety attack in school, once. I was 15 and it hit me out of nowhere... I thought I was gonna throw up, and then it felt like I was gonna pass out. Then, I started sobbing and couldn't stop. That was the worst EVER... and long before I smoked weed on a regular basis. I had a few more minor attacks... but then started smoking, since then I haven't really had any problems. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I sometimes get anxiety when I run out of weed. Then I find some and smoke and it's all good.