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  1. tylerdurz

    Yellow leaves

    It’s a jungle out here
  2. tylerdurz

    Yellow leaves

    Hey Joe Blow You were right these things are monsters
  3. tylerdurz

    Leaf problems

    Lower leaves
  4. tylerdurz

    Ordering LSD from online?

    Do u still have em
  5. tylerdurz

    Beatles! Good or Bad?

    Are they the green dumb Beatles that bump into every little thing like they are blind ?
  6. tylerdurz

    Leaf problems

    Ok I had another post but can’t find it. I have been dealing with this for a month or so and now it’s getting worser. The recommended advice was it needed nitrogen and I upped the N. Now the leaves are turning white and the falling off. How do I resolved this also FYI it is starting to bud up.
  7. tylerdurz

    Bugs or nute deficiencie

    Thanks Glassjoe
  8. tylerdurz

    Bugs or nute deficiencie

    Hey y’all woke up this am and inspected my gurls and this is what I’m dealing with any ideas on ? It could be
  9. tylerdurz

    New to outdoor growing 420

    I use growmore and it works well
  10. tylerdurz

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Wait have y’all tried nuke em I have always used Monterey BT. But now trying nuke em and it works well all the way till harvest.
  11. tylerdurz


    Is this beee high or what. Been on the plant since 6am
  12. tylerdurz

    Yellow leaves

    Yea I’m feed the sea grow nutes 16-16-16 I did FIM the lady around the 5th node. I’ve been feeding it every 2 weeks but maybe I should do every week now ? :confused:
  13. tylerdurz

    Yellow leaves

    Check it out Fam. Just started yellowing. Feeding seagrow nutrition and cal mag roots organic. What’s going wrong here.
  14. tylerdurz

    Why plants drooping and feel dry??

    Any bugs or bitten leafs. Also have you fed any Nutella yet ?
  15. tylerdurz

    To wash or not to wash

    Who out there washes their final product. When ready for harvest ? And does it degrade the trichs.
  16. tylerdurz

    Jungle Boy Seeds

    They were done back in October pulled 1/2 P outside on 5 gallon.
  17. tylerdurz


    I know y’all said worms but someone else said it could be crickets. Here another photo
  18. tylerdurz

    Flower sampling

    Can you take a piece of budd of your plant to test it. Without hurting the plant. Want to see if this is the high i want or do i need to let them mature more.
  19. tylerdurz

    Help! Heavy yellowing during flower

    I too am wary of what breeders say on package for seeds. Mines says 9 weeks but they look done.
  20. tylerdurz


    Yup the spinosad works wonders. Only brown spots I got were from where those shitapliars ate the top of my lovely baby buds.