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  1. D

    Fluffy white ??mold??

    All nice and tidy this AM. pH stable at 5.7, new nutrients have TDS at 865, ORP at 297, water temp 69.4F., chamber 78F., %RH 68%., H2O2 at 45ppm. Plant is loving life ATM. Roots look good, so I've allowed the bottom half of them to be in contact with upper water level. Hopefully a concentration...
  2. D

    Fluffy white ??mold??

    Pretty sure the white fluff is indeed "white water mold". Decided to stay away from bleach, so I'm currently flushing the system with 1250ppm of H2O2 in the recirculating water. Plant is standing by on the sidelines watching.
  3. D

    Fluffy white ??mold??

    picture attached.... H2O2 wont kill it, but I know bleaching the system does, but don't really want to do that at this stage of the grow.
  4. D

    Fluffy white ??mold??

    Fluffy white ??mold?? floating about and evident when changing water, visible in filters and tubing.. Looks like toilet paper disintegrating.
  5. D

    Drooping Leaves in Hydroponic System

    That guy may have left here a decade ago.. but I just read the post today :D I have the same problem and am fighting with over water ?? under watered, ?? nutr low ?? nutr high ?? goes to total droop.. then seems to come back nice.. then total droop again.. droop seems worse a few hours before...
  6. D

    Seedling Day 10, and something is going wrong ?

    Roots appear OK (picture attached), and have grown as the plant has begun to recover over the past few days. Only boost and grow at 80% of recommended in the water (besides pH down, and H2O2 as of yesterday).... not sure what benies are, so I guess that the water is sterile ?
  7. D

    Seedling Day 10, and something is going wrong ?

    Dropper feeding from top...three days later.... The plant has survived and is thriving (day 17)... pH=5.9, TDS=1040 this morning. It seems that the all the plant needed was some food. Picture attached. Cut out a light blocking piece of black construction paper, and began adding some H2O2...
  8. D

    Seedling Day 10, and something is going wrong ?

    Technaflora Boost. Water level is currently being maintained at the bottom of the net pot to maybe quarter inch below the bottom. Dropper feeding the new nutrient water to the top of the net pot.
  9. D

    Seedling Day 10, and something is going wrong ?

    Plant getting worse with no nutrients, as second leaf set now yellowing. TDS at 90, and pH settled at 5.9. Read yesterday that surface wave action actually oxygenates the water better than a bunch of bubbles, so I started some of that action on the surface and dialed back the intense bubbling...
  10. D

    Seedling Day 10, and something is going wrong ?

    pic shows root structure today.. long root has always touched the water.. the others are probably getting splashed by the bubbles.
  11. D

    Seedling Day 10, and something is going wrong ?

    Right now I have zero feed, seedling pot just above the water level, so long tap root is in the water, and all the other roots have sprung out of the little cup, but are above the bubbling water. Bubble picture attached. Have to figure out how to send a clip of the bubbling action :?
  12. D

    Seedling Day 10, and something is going wrong ?

    Plant holder cup/pod is in the bubbling aerated water about 1", leaving 2" above the water level. Plant is still drooping badly, same leaf set yellow. 2nd, 3rd, and now a fourth leaf set are green but droopy. Still totally puzzled as to why the plant took this turn downward in it's second week...
  13. D

    Seedling Day 10, and something is going wrong ?

    I had 25% of the recommended General Hydroponic BOOST & GROW. I dumped the water yesterday, and refilled with RO water, then reduced the pH with GH Ph down (buffered phosphoric acid) No nutrients added yet. TDS =77, EC 152, ORP 293. pH = 5.92 / water temp 71 F.
  14. D

    Seedling Day 10, and something is going wrong ?

    Doing a DWC, grow pod bottom at water level directly above bubbler, Light 18 on, 6 off (Kind LED), 460 mmol, chamber temps & RH = 82F 60%RH w/light, 74F 75%RH light off, water temp 69F, pH 5.7 - 6.0, TDS 335 Seedling has sprouted third set of true leaves, ten days in chamber. pictures show two...
  15. D

    Thoughts on this dwc setup?

    You might want to run a dedicated breaker (or two) 20 amp circuits with plenty of receptacles to your setup. The best grow setup is one that hasn't fried or burnt something.
  16. D

    Second Grow Stunts to zero at about week 3-4. Leaves yellow from the top down and curling

    Thanks for the pics & tips. Top pic looks exactly like my plant roots under the scope. My tubing is clear, which I should have realized is a mistake. I will be putting 1" black wire organizer over it. Especially since my black grow bucket replaced a clear aquarium grow tank. In the clear tank...
  17. D

    Second Grow Stunts to zero at about week 3-4. Leaves yellow from the top down and curling

    Going to use coco/meat moss cube next time. Running bleach thru the system today. Any advantage to using clay/pumice rocks to surround the cube ??
  18. D

    Second Grow Stunts to zero at about week 3-4. Leaves yellow from the top down and curling

    What ppm level do you select as a target midpoint ?
  19. D

    Second Grow Stunts to zero at about week 3-4. Leaves yellow from the top down and curling

    I thought root rot was associated with darker roots. I take it I should not allow the rock wool ( or peat seed pods << next grow ) to contact the water level in my pail ? When should one begin to feed (ie increase TDS) ??