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  1. B

    Please help do I throw in the trash? Really odd and very slow flowering Autoflower

    I chopped her up and threw away was hard to do but wasnt worth any more effort i decided
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    Please help do I throw in the trash? Really odd and very slow flowering Autoflower

    Why no there in a dark room, aside from the tiny red from the extension leads on off switch which ill cover tomorrow but the other plant looks fine so it cant be that
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    Please help do I throw in the trash? Really odd and very slow flowering Autoflower

    They have been on 18/6 for a while now and it began flowering after maby 3 or 4 weeks so im pretty sure, unless the original plant got crossed with a different strain and they made some odd seed im really stuck seems a shame to destroy such a big plant but if im seeing no progress
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    Please help do I throw in the trash? Really odd and very slow flowering Autoflower

    Yeah I think something is definitely not right but im pretty sure the colas should be way fatter by now
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    Please help do I throw in the trash? Really odd and very slow flowering Autoflower

    Please help in not sure what to do I have a auto flower in my 600HPS tent she grew really quick i tied her down a little so she fit in the tent, but this last weeks I have started to realise the flowering has almost stopped the buds are so thin and spindely and she has deffinetly been in flower...
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    Plant leaves pointing down droopy and now black spots

    Okay thanks Can I ask what is fish emulsion?
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    Plant leaves pointing down droopy and now black spots

    Thanks for your post thats pretty informative so would you suggest watering with plain water for a few days, I would say the leaves are taking more of a yellow/light green tinge, should I feed one watering with grow nutrients to try get some of the colour back into the leaves or just best to try...
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    Plant leaves pointing down droopy and now black spots

    Okay thanks I will try this, what do you think is best I have 2 seedlings under this light aswell in the same tent but Ive been reading HPS is no good for during veg or can i just leave them in the same tent ?
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    Plant leaves pointing down droopy and now black spots

    You think ? Its an auto flowering strain glueberry og , I would more say its in preflower and has is stretching around now and is neally finished, ie the clock starts from the germination and now the time for it to grow in veg is over, my soil is prefertilised for the first 2 months (plagron...
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    Plant leaves pointing down droopy and now black spots

    I would say around 30-40 cm from the top part, after doing some research could it be a magnesium deficiency because I am just using bloom nutrients , I would think my tap water has enough in though, im not sure going to go check the tent now its lights off
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    Plant leaves pointing down droopy and now black spots

    My Temp is around 24- 28 at lights on and then around 18 - 20 on lights off im running lights at night to combat the cold, RH is around 50 give or take I have a humidifier in the tent also
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    Plant leaves pointing down droopy and now black spots

    I water with nutrients mixed in till i get some run off then i wait for the soil to dry out and then again with more or plain water depending, im using plagron bloom at the moment. Yeah this was a plant i started while setting my tent up didnt get round to it , i tied it down today to try spred...
  13. B

    600W HPS vs MH can I grow with this bulb

    Im using plagron bat mix its a premixed soil Along with there product alga bloom
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    600W HPS vs MH can I grow with this bulb

    Here you go :)
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    Plant leaves pointing down droopy and now black spots

    yeah i dont think it is a water problem because the soil is still a little moist from the last watering
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    Plant leaves pointing down droopy and now black spots

    Do you think thatt explains the black dots?
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    600W HPS vs MH can I grow with this bulb

    okay so put my light on 600 and some higher, but can anyone explain the spots and the leave drooping etc?
  18. B

    600W HPS vs MH can I grow with this bulb

    Thanks for the replies guys i just have another question could this be related to the light? am noticing lots of wiered things happen to the leaves, its on 18/6 and dimmed to 400w becuase there is some seedlings in there. The leaves are mostly droopy when lights on and off, the edges of the...
  19. B

    Plant leaves pointing down droopy and now black spots

    Hi guys So this plant was recently put under my new hps i am noticing lots of wiered things happen to the leaves, its on 18/6 and dimmed to 400w becuase there is some seedlings in there. The leaves are mostly droopy when lights on and off, the edges of the leaves are sort of crinkly/not...