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  1. homebrewer

    The Ultimate Growing Competition

    That canopy! :clap:
  2. homebrewer

    The Ultimate Growing Competition

    You know your system better than I do but one thing I noticed about your plants above is that in your first pic, probably day 30 or so, all your fan leaves have faded and will start to drop soon. In your second and fouth pic you have no fan leaves left. Fan leaves drive production.
  3. homebrewer

    The Ultimate Growing Competition

    Those feeding levels are crazy high.
  4. homebrewer


    It's not even close to true hydro. Proven by whom? Where? Link me to the scientific literature, please. Because it's easier to sell the public what they want instead of teaching them what they should be buying instead. Dude, do it however you want. Run clones from the same mom and do...
  5. homebrewer


    I stick by my original response to your question. The quoted thread is for true hydro.
  6. homebrewer

    Phosphorus or Potassium during flower???

    Well in this case I think it has more to do with people *thinking* they need to feed more P/K when the plants don't actually need it and that can create a bad situation in the root zone. Elements like potassium can be fed in excess and the plant will pull them up even though they're not need...
  7. homebrewer

    Phosphorus or Potassium during flower???

    The reality here is that you don't know what you don't know and that's because of your lack of experience.
  8. homebrewer


    Yes, FP all the way through. I like floralicious plus. I'll start it day 1 of flowering and go up to about the last week. Calmag. I don't know. I never used it. Calmag is the catch-all solution for all your growing problems, lol.
  9. homebrewer


    Thank you for making that as short and concise as possible, lol. I still recommend FP all the way through. You can mess with maybe a 50/50 split of bloom/fp during the last half of flower and see how the plants react? Maybe run a side-by-side and report back. My money would be on the FP...
  10. homebrewer

    Do bloom boosters make your bud taste like shit?

    FWIW, your plants don't care where the elements come from. The fundamental process of nutrient absorption by plants is well established. Irrespective of whether nutrients originate from organic or inorganic...
  11. homebrewer

    Do bloom boosters make your bud taste like shit?

    But hydro is better 8-)
  12. homebrewer

    Is my Flora Micro bad?

    Are they sparkly flakes or is it chunky sediment?
  13. homebrewer

    Please educate: I’m using Floraflex Veg NPK 10-9-14

    You're overfeeding. I'd drop the calimagic (assuming your base already contains calcium) and the drip clean, and I'd cut everything else in half. You also have a toxic environment in your medium so either transplant or leach with A LOT of water.
  14. homebrewer

    Phosphorus or Potassium during flower???

    Thank you. I was actually aiming for arrogant 8).
  15. homebrewer

    Phosphorus or Potassium during flower???

    Where are your pictures, Mr 5 months? Are you embarrassed of that leafy mess you've got there? Are you growing industrial hemp?
  16. homebrewer

    Phosphorus or Potassium during flower???

    Post up some pics, Mr 5 months. We'll see who knows their shit, lol
  17. homebrewer

    Phosphorus or Potassium during flower???

    Post up some pics, Mr 5 months. We'll see who knows their shit, lol. You scared?
  18. homebrewer

    Picture gallery for TUGC. Player's posts only please.

    This was a tough choice as I thought a lot of you guys did really well. Months out from the finish I knew I'd be picking the winner(s) by how their plants looked at harvest. In the end though half the field had really nice plants at harvest so I had to be a little more picky. Maybe I'd look at...
  19. homebrewer

    Phosphorus or Potassium during flower???

    The OP's question has been answered. If you have additional questions you should probably start reading.
  20. homebrewer

    Phosphorus or Potassium during flower???

    I just skimmed your posts. I can tell that you've got a lot of learning to do. I could link you to my side-by-side but honestly the info would just go right over your head.