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    Are they ready to harvest? 8th month running .Breed Iduki Gold from india

    Some better pictures would be great, how many into flowering are they?? The pictures don't really show anything
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    Auto flower confusion

    Newbie central...a little humor is definitely needed here , most ""experienced"" growers shit on the new guy or 20 comments latter his/her question is still not answered
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    Auto flower confusion

    I've been growing for a while it's just a early morning joke..a male I stuck in the widow for shits and giggles
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    Auto flower confusion

    It's just a early morning joke ppl, i knew it was going to be a male so I stuck it in the window just for entertainment purposes
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    Auto flower confusion

    I was told these were white widow auto's how's it looking?? Pretty awesome eh can't wait to chop and enjoy the smoke
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    Auto flower confusion

    Here a better look
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    Auto flower confusion

    It's not a white widow auto??
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    Auto flower confusion

    I'm a bit confused my auto-flower is actually growing flowers is this normal
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    Spider Farmer Giveaway-SF1000 Full Grow Kits

    Canada 543 Thanks good luck everyone
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    Help! Mold! What can I do??

    Don't look good, the mold usually spreads. Probably not enough air flow. I would cut off the moldy buds and add more air flow.
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    Deficiency? Burn? To hot? To cold? To much light? Ive never had this happen before....

    Ahhh he's just looking for self glorification..I get it
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    making a 100gal fabric pot

    Good luck
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    making a 100gal fabric pot

    I have no experience with this material but I wouldn't see anything wrong with it, should work fine. 100gal pots haha what are you planning on growing
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    Deficiency? Burn? To hot? To cold? To much light? Ive never had this happen before....

    What strain is it???? Might just be natural to the stain , or if not I would guess cold temperatures
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    will buds continue to grow if plant has no fan leaves?

    Because they don't know what they are doing haha
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    New to shatter

    It's not clean pure shatter, not saying there's anything wrong with it but whomever is making it doesn't have the system dialed in just right
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    Lazypothead's 4x4 Critical Kush Geekbeast Grow

    Coconut water?? Does it help anything never heard of this
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    Leaf issues

    As they say don't jump in the deep end before learning how to swim
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    Leaf issues

    Even most pros don't use just coco / perlite it's a disaster before you even started . Way too unforgiving . I would switch it to 12/12 right away and try a good soil/ pearlite / peat/ worm castings/ ect..ect.. blend next time