Get one of these, then have someone out of state send you the pepper powder balls for it, since they won’t ship them to CA. No license required
I got in the car and the thermometer said 109*…
I thought “that’s not right, it’ll probably go down when I start driving”
1 mile later
Then one mile back home, and 45 minutes later…
Was hot, went to the beach, found $670 (retail) of sterling silver David Yurman men’s jewelry.
Tore up the tops of my feet on the rocks protecting a small child and elderly woman from large waves.
All in all, not a bad day
At least your lows dip into the 60s for the next few days. :lol:
We’re just gonna spend a few days at the beach here, I guess…haha
Stay cool, Cali people
Can weighs almost nothing, plastic mouthpiece is the heaviest part, and they make a can half this size even…I’ll probably pick a few of the small cans up to include in the future
I had to make an entirely new load out from my normal one when I was in Arizona hiking in 115 degree heat.
Let’s just say it also included an emergency can of pure oxygen…lol