Yea this not wet. I have a dry room kept at 60F/60rH at all times. Only seal the jar when it leaves the room. This was actually chopped at the end of April❗️
Gonna have to try that later. Just throw a nug at the wall & see if it sticks or just stick it to wall❓ cuz I’m pretty confident I could get it to stick to the wall if i don’t throw it.
All the auto’s & the photoperiod are above ground. That’s 5/5 :hump: I was getting worried about grape dosi breath, so I got another one wet which I will now run in the ball jar since the original ended up making it.
No you will be fine. Open sesame, beastie Bloomz, & cha Ching are all very similar, just slightly different ratios. open sesame & cha Ching are almost identical so better cha Ching than bestie bloomz