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    Baking your soil before use

    Ohhh i did that all ready little fucks still around
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    Baking your soil before use

    Somebody just put me on to cover sand that. Will get rid of fungus gnats
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    Using Advanced Nutrients

    Does anybody here use advanced nutrients and if so what's a good starter kit I heard Voodoo juice.. tarantula and piranha is a good pack to start out with
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    Baking your soil before use

    Thanks for the info cuz if that's exactly what I was going to do
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    Baking your soil before use

    I bought two bags of Costa Of Maine also used a bag of foxfarm that's been sitting outside on the porch for 6 months so I don't know where these fungus gnats came from been trying to battle them using neem oil yellow cards. Should I get rid of these do they look salvageable also I heard people...
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    Fungas knats and spider mites

    Actually I think it came from a bag of coast of Maine
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    Fungas knats and spider mites

    No it was actually already in the soil when I got it
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    Fungas knats and spider mites

    I started autos I have a fungus problem and spider mite problem I was thinking of just getting rid of all the plants and starting all over is there anyway I can save my grow space
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    Little red/brownish spots

    thank you
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    Little red/brownish spots

    About 7 weeks into flowering. pH is correct don't know what this is
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    First Auto seedling

    I don't like how this one's looking it's starting to curl a tad bit and stick up the leaves are
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    Voodoo and piranha

    I plan on using those specific 3 nutrients does it really increase yield better quality
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    Nutrients for autos

    Nicr i pland on gettinh big bud. I also wanted to try trantula ..piranha and voodoo juice
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    Nutrients for autos

    What's the best brand of nutrients for autos
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    Transplanting autos

    Not knowing you should start off your autos seedlings in the pot you plan on using from start to finish. I put them all in Little Seedling starters some of them are starting to sprout should I wait until they get a little big and then transplant or should I do it right away
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    Harvesting Grand Daddy Purp

    Do me a favor stop replying to me and go troll somewheres else
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    Harvesting Grand Daddy Purp

    I figure out how long to dry and cure blue dream. I figured out how long to dry and cure white widow ..long as Hell by the way.never again.. I don't recommend growing it.. no more ....but I don't know how long it takes to dry and cure Granddaddy Purp has anybody else grown this strain how long...
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    4th week into flowering yellow leaves

    I was think that too ..u know.. last crop i had a nitro problem in flowering stage also .thank u
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    4th week into flowering yellow leaves

    Using Fox Farm soil regular medium fabric pot 4 weeks into flowering stage I don't know why my leaves turned yellow the only thing I can think of is a combination of over-watering and maybe sulfur anybody else have any answers
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    First time Flushing

    Thank you so much this is my first grow