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  1. Mozzer496

    Gogo kid i have been mate. Basically first time using dry amendments. You have to keep the coco...

    Gogo kid i have been mate. Basically first time using dry amendments. You have to keep the coco moist for the microbial life and all this other ahit so not as easy as using canna. After the gnat problem escalated i just started using the canna synthetics again but bottom feeding so they only...
  2. Mozzer496

    Yes mate lots of drainage holes at the bottom. Im goin to nuc them tomorrow with peroxide shoild...

    Yes mate lots of drainage holes at the bottom. Im goin to nuc them tomorrow with peroxide shoild kill the root rot that there feasting on aswel
  3. Mozzer496

    Getting absolutely murdered by fungus gnats . Ive been bottom feeding letting the top of the...

    Getting absolutely murdered by fungus gnats . Ive been bottom feeding letting the top of the coco completely dry. Ive put stones on the top to try and stop any breeding. Im using yellow sticky pads and there still coming. Thinking of using hydrogen peroxide as a last resort. Anyone had this problem
  4. Mozzer496

    What the fuck is going on

    I've not noticed them before today. The one difference was I let the plants coco completely dry out before feeding this time. I was a day late feeding
  5. Mozzer496

    What the fuck is going on

    Thanks mate. I've just done abit of googling and some people like them hahaha. They dont seem to be a problem. Hopefully nothing to worry to much about
  6. Mozzer496

    What the fuck is going on

    Yes mate. There really fast and tiny. I've just watered the coco with a good run off to try flush them out. I've not seen them before and keep a good eye on my girls. The plants are in perfect condition. No sign of any sort of damage or bugs
  7. Mozzer496

    What the fuck is going on

    I'll get some pics. The leaves are clean with no pest at all so I dont think there spider mites. Thanks
  8. Mozzer496

    What the fuck is going on

    Hi. I've just gone to feed my plants. When I lifted the pot of the drip tray to see if it was light I noticed a load of tiny little white flickers running about. Any clues on what these are and are they gona destroy my plant. thankss
  9. Mozzer496

    Pain in the ass

    Yes mate exactly what's happening to me. Thanks for that
  10. Mozzer496

    Pain in the ass

    I'm asking on here numbnuts. What better research is there than people who have done this stuff alot more than me ??
  11. Mozzer496

    Pain in the ass

    Soo. I've got a few plants in late vegging and they look nice and healthy. There environment is near on perfect! But they keep drooping every other day. I've checked the coco and it's still moist and the pots aren't light from lack of water. Has anyone ever had this problem. There not over...
  12. Mozzer496

    Is this done

    The beast is down and drying.
  13. Mozzer496

    R/h and temperature

    Thanks mate
  14. Mozzer496

    R/h and temperature

    What temperature and r/h should I be aiming for when drying my buds out please. I'm struggling to get the temp over 15oc without having my light on. Thanks
  15. Mozzer496

    Is this done

    Thanks mate
  16. Mozzer496

    Is this done

    Just normal frminized seed mate
  17. Mozzer496

    Is this done

    Not a bad time to be a scouser mate haha. Doing well at the moment. Been a long time coming
  18. Mozzer496

    Is this done

    Looks good mate. I used a 250 cfl for veg then a 600w hps for flowering. Pissed I only did one plant tho haha. Didnt want to waist expensive seeds practicing growing. I've got 6 begging this time haha
  19. Mozzer496

    Is this done

    Haha thanks mate appreciate it
  20. Mozzer496

    Is this done

    Haha thanks mate appreciate it