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  1. Richard Drysift

    Cubensis liquid culture…legal? What changed??

    Pan cyans; would love to try growing those. Good luck. Imma keep it super simple and try a 50/50 coco/verm sub in a shallow 9x9 tin tray. I got an extra jar of “blue meanie” spawn left but it’s not Copelandia aka panaleous; just regular old cubensis. Whoever named this variety blue meanie should...
  2. Richard Drysift

    Cubensis liquid culture…legal? What changed??

    Everything but one jar is now spawned to tubs or straw logs. Thinking about trying to do some shrooms in a tray; just got a nice “Martha” mini greenhouse so imma try doing a tray in there just for fun. If things start to go off I’ll post it here
  3. Richard Drysift

    Help, first time with jackfrost/pearly gates fungi......struggling. Contamination...issues

    First lose the heat mat; it’s not doing anything helpful or necessary. Your still air box design is overkill and looks very uncomfortable to work in. No need for the gloves just cut two large holes slightly wider than your shoulders so you can easily move gloved hands in and out without stirring...
  4. Richard Drysift


    It’s hard to ask about ph if you do not understand what ph really means. People just want someone to tell them what to do so they don’t need to think about it
  5. Richard Drysift

    Barney’s Farm Wedding Cake

    More like three but getting close; looks good
  6. Richard Drysift


    Never do acid while you are on crack. Crack is whack
  7. Richard Drysift

    Organic Soil Question

    What happens to most living soil is that microbial activity slows down after awhile. It is not that easy to keep a soil mix active in a container indefinitely. Eventually activity fades and ph rises; this is when most growers would say their soil is deficient when in fact it had just become...
  8. Richard Drysift

    Doing okay???

    Yep… ok …you are going to need to transplant those w/the quickness. Go w/something like a 1-3 gal. Have patience; takes time for people to read what you posted.
  9. Richard Drysift

    Cubensis liquid culture…legal? What changed??

    Most of the popular mushroom supply vendors in the US sell LCs. Look around on the shroomery for a list of trusted advertisers but lil shop of spores is my go-to…
  10. Richard Drysift

    Ladybugs, Lacewings, and Trifecta

    It’s all good…Trifecta is killing them softly; ladybugs just wanna have fun.
  11. Richard Drysift

    Ladybugs, Lacewings, and Trifecta

    Got no idea; dunno much about bugs tbh. We never had these kinds of issues before but I know one thing: no more trading clones. Everything stays in house from now on; I’ll just compost the extras I guess.
  12. Richard Drysift

    Cubensis liquid culture…legal? What changed??

    And don’t hesitate to get LCs. These here jars are already ready already; for casing/fruiting that is… Only been 5 weeks since inoculation Also have already made 2 straw logs along with enough spawn do make 2 more…
  13. Richard Drysift

    Ladybugs, Lacewings, and Trifecta

    Day 3 no Trifecta spray; can still see a few PM spots. Maybe needs another drenching but the ladybugs are still fucking…
  14. Richard Drysift

    Ladybugs, Lacewings, and Trifecta

    I don’t know what is happening on the left of this pic but it’s not good… Time to snip and torch it…
  15. Richard Drysift

    Cubensis liquid culture…legal? What changed??

    Don’t be too paranoid about getting anything shroom related shipped to your house. People are growing all kinds of different mushrooms at home now; nearly impossible for anyone to know what varieties you grow unless of course they sample it. Anyway magical shrooms can be scary at onset for the...
  16. Richard Drysift

    Ladybugs, Lacewings, and Trifecta

    There’s more ladybug porn in the pic before last…can you guess how many ladybugs there are? Winner gets a shard of black shatter that tastes like old sweaty socks…
  17. Richard Drysift

    Ladybugs, Lacewings, and Trifecta

    Seeing no live aphids on the plants. They all appear to be dead. Ladybugs are unfazed by Trifectas lethal poison but they don’t seem to wanna eat the aphid carcasses. Smart fuckers…
  18. Richard Drysift

    Ladybugs, Lacewings, and Trifecta

    Day two; after 2 drenchings of Trifecta.
  19. Richard Drysift

    Ladybugs, Lacewings, and Trifecta

    My friend and I have been throwing clones back and forth for years. Never had an issue before; to be honest I didn’t even check for bugs. Anyway this is day one after spraying Trifecta. Ladybugs are alive & doing their thing but there are still an fuckton of aphids on some of the younger...