Search results

  1. StonedGimp

    Mega crop question during flower

    Do you think I have a lockout due to too much sweet candy and bud explosion? The no nitrogen calmag I’m using is from Mendocino nutrients. I do still have some clawing going on also but it’s better now and the leaves have lightened up since lowering the mega crop. I should of just left...
  2. StonedGimp

    A few weeks until harvest and a problem has occurred

    I’m using gln sweet and gln be 2.0 along with mega crop. I also believe I have a nitrogen issue and that was a lot worse a few days ago so I lowered the mega but kept the bud explosion and sweet candy the same. The leaf color lightened up and most of the clawing went away but now I’m getting the...
  3. StonedGimp

    A few weeks until harvest and a problem has occurred

    Awesome thanks for the help! Do you think it could also be related to a calcium issue possibly a lockout from feeding it too much bud explosion and sweet candy?
  4. StonedGimp

    Mega crop question during flower

    Okay guys it’s been 5 days since changing the mega crop feeding amount and I’m noticing some burnt tips and today it looks like some yellowing/rust between the veins. The plant it also turning purple but I’m pretty sure that’s from genetics and cooler temps the past couple nights. Could this be...
  5. StonedGimp

    A few weeks until harvest and a problem has occurred

    5 days ago I defoliated my 2 plants and immediately noticed the leaves were extremely dark green. I changed my feed calculations and lowered my mega crop for the past couple waterings and now the leaves are lighter. However, yesterday I noticed a few burnt tips and now today the leaves are...
  6. StonedGimp

    Disabled grower trimming issue

    Do the bowl trimmers work pretty good? I’ve watched a few videos with the risentek x but can’t find an end product video or picture to see what the bud looks like after being trimmed. I’ve been using non stick fiskar shears the past couple days to defoliate and have stabbed myself a few times...
  7. StonedGimp

    Mega crop question during flower

    I just threw a bunch away and didn’t even think about saving them for in the nute containers. I’ll dig around tonight and see if I have a few, I’m pretty sure a pack of jerky I have has one in it.
  8. StonedGimp

    Mega crop question during flower

    Man that’s really awesome you win stuff from your local shop! My closest shop is an hour away and basically only sells what’s available on Amazon and never gives stuff away. That’s great to know about the micro maybe next time I’ll try adding a little molasses or carbo and see what happens...
  9. StonedGimp

    Disabled grower trimming issue

    Thanks Lars! I’ll definitely add that to the save for later part of my amazon cart and buy it if needed. I’m currently on my first grow ever and kinda let my 2 plants get too big vs what I wanted so now I know what to do next time. I checked out the smaller trimmers on hydrobuilder earlier in...
  10. StonedGimp

    Disabled grower trimming issue

    Dude thank you so much! You just saved me a bunch of money I think. Can you tell me how it operates? I noticed it says press button once for nip but then the ad cuts off. Looks like rivers hold it together so I’m not sure how hard it would be to solder in a bite switch if it’s even needed.
  11. StonedGimp

    Disabled grower trimming issue

    I am a quadriplegic and have limited hand function so I can’t really squeeze things like scissors with one hand. I have been doing a pretty good job using 2 hands to operate scissors while defoliating my 2 plants but trimming is going to be a problem. What do you guys suggest? I’ve found a few...
  12. StonedGimp

    Mega crop question during flower

    I have been noticing the top fan leaves are turning very dark green after this last feed so I’m assuming that’s from too much N from the Mega. Thanks for the chart! That’s extremely helpful. Here’s what I’ve been feeding since flip week 1 and 2 5g mega 1g sweet 1g bud ex 1ml no N cal mag .6...
  13. StonedGimp

    Mega crop question during flower

    I’m on day 26 of flower for these 2 plants, G13 Pineapple Express / Barney’s Peyote Critical, and have a quick question about the feed schedule. I recently stepped up to the late bloom schedule listed on green leafs site and I’m wondering if it’s too much. I upped the amount 2 days ago and...
  14. StonedGimp

    Chem Dog information wanted

    Dude you are awesome! I wish I could time travel so I could go back and hang out with you at Dead concerts.
  15. StonedGimp

    Apothecary Genetics New Price List

    Is Apothecary the original breeder for runts?
  16. StonedGimp

    Apothecary Genetics New Price List

    I was recently talking to someone at Apothecary about the new release of Grape Ape and was sent a price list for the 2020 strains. I would love to try a run of Sour Grapes or Runts before Grape Ape is released but damn 400-800 for 20 seeds is a little steep.
  17. StonedGimp

    Chem Dog information wanted

    Thank you and everyone else who replied previously for clearing this up for me. Yesterday I searched for several hours and I think I’ve decided to go with Lucky Dog’s Dog Patch and I haven’t decided on a pack from Top Dawg pack but I’m leaning towards a Stardawg. I also checked out GPS and...
  18. StonedGimp

    Led supplemental lighting board build info needed

    I am running a Timber 3VL in a 2x4 tent and would like to build a supplemental lighting board like the bud booster and exotic boards on rapid led. I would just buy the boards on there but after talking to customer service they suggested I buy solderless leds and build my own. I’m having trouble...
  19. StonedGimp

    Possible plant deficiency problem any help would be appreciated

    The plants looked great after the 6.4 water so during the next water I dropped it back to 6.3 and once again began showing signs of lighter leaf coloration. I watered again once the soil was dry with added Mega for flower and added bud explosion then adjusted to 6.5 and the leaves are now dark...
  20. StonedGimp

    Chem Dog information wanted

    Damn thanks everyone for responding I’ll definitely look elsewhere and I’m glad I didn’t throw down money yet. I’ll start researching everything in a little bit and pick out a few strains to try. I’m assuming everything that’s available online information wise in magazine articles and even on...