Since you're supposed to add nutrients to water in a certain order, I'm concerned about dumping one mixture into another. (1 bucket into the other)
I'm wondering would that cause a problem
I made feed earlier for 1 plant, but didn't end up using the whole 5 gallon bucket. I mixed up another bucket later for my other 2 plants but added a little calmag. My question is can I mix both buckets together or would that cause a lockout?
Thank you for breaking this down for me.i didn't want to overdo the nutrients since the plants are autos. That's all I kept less is more when it came to feeding. I was actually contemplating growing in straight coco, so thanks for that too
I do have perlite in as well
I mix up a 5 gallon bucket
add 2 ml armor si
2.5 ml calmag
2.5 micro, grow and bloom
Here's a picture of the soil wet and my other plant that's due for watering