Search results

  1. Horselover fat

    Cheapest Soil Per lb/ft?

    You need think things through if you need to shop around to find cheap enough soil for your indoor grow. Anyways... Buy more at a time to save money.
  2. Horselover fat

    Is ILGM good, their seeds' genetics are stable?

    Very expensive. I would skip them.
  3. Horselover fat

    Enough Light? Quick question

    It's plenty for a 2x4 if it is 400w and if the 2.5umol/j is true. A light meter would be useful to to confirm.
  4. Horselover fat

    Enough Light? Quick question

    Is it 200w or 400w?
  5. Horselover fat

    Custom DIY 240 watt 6 bar LED grow light!!

    <Cough>boards</cough> Though one should seperate the hlg quantum style boards from the kind I run. They are quite different. These make more sense to me, because they don't need heatsinks and have better coverage. If I used smaller boards I would definitely use reflectors with them...
  6. Horselover fat

    Custom DIY 240 watt 6 bar LED grow light!!

    Four led tech boards with 308 lm301b each. Two meanwell elg 200 c2100b drivers. In this configuration each board runs at 80w max. I could swap out the drivers and push almost twice the watts if I wanted to use a bigger tent.
  7. Horselover fat

    Mainlining 27 days flower

    This has been glacial, but looks good.
  8. Horselover fat

    New leaves curled down?

    Wtf? No. If I had to guess I'd say soil is too wet. Twisty growth is usually due to root zone problems, ime.
  9. Horselover fat

    Cloning without a dome

    Wet a peat puck and make a small hole for the clone. Choose a supple branch with a small leaf to cut. Use a sharp clean knife and cut at a shallow angle. Don't crush the stem while cutting. Immediately stick it in the puck and just lightly cover the hole so it will not dry out. Place in cupboard...
  10. Horselover fat

    Anybody use these lights

    How is it not ir?
  11. Horselover fat

    Study finds HPS spectrum results in higher photosynthesis rate (per light quanta) than LED spectra

    Yes, variance is higher and higher for the led, for some reason. But the avarages seem to get closer. Could it be that as light levels are near saturation the difference gets smaller? This is very interesting. Plain white grows very well, but if a few ir leds (or something) gives me more yield...
  12. Horselover fat

    Study finds HPS spectrum results in higher photosynthesis rate (per light quanta) than LED spectra

    I will read the study later, but am I reading this wrong or is the smallish gap between led and hid getting smaller at higher ppfd?
  13. Horselover fat

    Need help with tent/led purchase

    The biggest reason I like a 2*4 is how little floor space it takes. I do agree with the dense canopy, but that is at the 200g per 2*2 end of things.
  14. Horselover fat

    Need help with tent/led purchase

    Think of the space this way: a 2*2 area fits upto 200g (even more, but few manage that). You can do three to four crops in a year. How much do you really need? These days I've been growing one or 1.5 grows per year in my 2*4 and it's been enough for 1 gram per day use and then some.
  15. Horselover fat

    Dying leaves

    Actually: tell us how you water.
  16. Horselover fat

    Dying leaves

    That pot must be hard to water properly.
  17. Horselover fat

    How to Properly Aerate a Small (or large) Rez

    I wonder if a skimmer is going to clean nutes out of your rez.
  18. Horselover fat


    Look at the boots. Fucking prada :D
  19. Horselover fat


    Jesus fuck :D:D:D:D
  20. Horselover fat

    Defoliation Trial - 4 Clones

    Not quite ten weeks.. 7-8 weeks I think... It seems I flipped 18th/19th nov. Let's not take more space in hobbes' thread, but here: I'm also not saying everyone should strip their plants. I'm not even saying the plant grew faster...