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  1. S

    Receiving seeds from Afganistan.

    I gave the so called vendor and shipping company enough time to sort it out,so i don't mind blasting the scam or bad business,not sure which honestly...
  2. S

    Receiving seeds from Afganistan.

    That is what i was planning on doing with them
  3. S

    Receiving seeds from Afganistan.

    I am going to see how it all pans out before i throw their name out,but i will eventually
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    Receiving seeds from Afganistan.

    I was ordering a couple different varities which i am guessing the Afgan breeder had named,one was a rotten meat smelling plant known as Black Scorpion and the other smelled of apples and was knwn as Green Kabul.The guy has loads of videos on Fb with his stuff,so there is an actual breeder over...
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    Receiving seeds from Afganistan.

    It was,not the other upackweship,which i also find kinda sketchy as i can't find anything on their services online,but they do have a website
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    Receiving seeds from Afganistan.

    It may have been a bit of a ballsy move on my part,but i decided to order seeds from a vendor in Afganistan who boasts and shows very beautful plants online.I made the order,he sent with a tracking number through Upakweship.So after around 10 days after shipping,i get a message from Upakweship...
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    Stinky fish emulsion problems

    That is kinda what i was thinking,i have never had it smell this bad or this long
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    Stinky fish emulsion problems

    I made two batches of fish emulsion this year, the first turned out pretty decent, but the second one i am unsure of. The second was started in May, at one point early on a bear got into it, pulled one fish out, but did not take it, so i put back in and let it go, also cleaned a few bugs from...